A59: A Sociopolitical Shift In Colombia In Music

Bolivia is in the midst of a transformation, politically and culturally, and from the policies government to the music coming out of its working class towns, the change can be seen. Bolivians are reclaiming their culture at the ballot box and in the music they produce, with greater respect and dignity given towards indigenous customs and language to reverse the long oppression against the majority of Bolivians. Music from groups such as Inmortal Kultura and Nacion Rap have led this charge, rapping about the material issues and struggles of life in a country still wrestling with a long legacy of injustice and poverty, but bringing new life to ancient languages and cultures that were once stigmatized but now more and more embraced by the youth of the country. The music they produce reinforces what has is happening at a political level as it serves as a cultural mechanism that restores pride and dignity to a people long oppressed. The shift in Bolivia is a model for how culture and language can be preserved in an increasingly exploitive and globalized world.

Author: Joseph Byrnes

Advisor: Caroline Shipley, Spanish & Portuguese

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