Author Archives: mcleanjl

How do our cultural identities affect the way we experience the world? 5th grade PBL unit

For context, I teach in a suburban school district that is very culturally diverse. Our school does a great job of naming the diversity but not celebrating it. This unit aims to provide space for students to dig into their … Continue reading

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Ideas for Cooperative Learning in 5th Grade ELA

IDEA #1: Text Structure “Magazine” Jigsaw As a review of text structures, groups will create a “class magazine” in one class period! Of course, this magazine would not be something publishable or “final” in any way, shape or form. Instead, the … Continue reading

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Two CBCI Units for Fifth Grade ELA

UNIT IDEA #1: “You can’t go it alone!” This concept-based unit will focus on communities and relationships in nature and in society. Our students study ecosystems in the natural world at the beginning of the school year in their science class. … Continue reading

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“Making Thinking Visible” in the 5th Grade ELA Classroom

Below are two lesson ideas using strategies from Making Thinking Visible: How to Promote Engagement, Understanding, and Independence for All Learners by Ron Ritchhart, Mark Church, and Karin Morrison (2011). LESSON IDEA #1: Teaching making and adjusting inferences using “Zoom In” An … Continue reading

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