Author Archives: irwinea

Project Based Learning – Prince PROJECT Using a real life question or problem, children design an investigation and representation of their findings to present the audience for which they decide. MATERIALS NEEDED: Computers, chart paper, blank books, poster board, trifold presentation boards, books … Continue reading

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Cooperative Learning Lessons – Prince

COOPERATIVE LEARNING LESSONS LESSON #1 DESIGNING AND PLANTING A RAISED BED GARDEN ODE EARLY LEARNING STANDARDS: RELATIONSHIPS: PEER RELATIONSHIPS AND INTERACTIONS: STANDARD STATEMENT Interact with peers in more complex pretend play including planning, coordination of roles and cooperation.With modeling and … Continue reading

Posted in Cooperative Learning | 21 Comments

Concept Based Curriculum & Instruction-Prince

The following diagram outlines The Structure of Knowledge framework for what I want the 4-5 year old children to know, understand and be able to do in our Plants as Living Things Unit. AGE GROUP = 4-5 YEARS UNIT TIME … Continue reading

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Prince – MTV Stategies

Strategy#1 : See-Think-Wonder Age group of children: 3-4 years (preschool age) Ohio Department of Education Early Learning Standards: Strand: Geography Topic:Spatial Thinking and Skills STANDARD STATEMENT Demonstrate a beginning understanding of maps as actual representations of places. Strand:Listening & Speaking … Continue reading

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