Author Archives: burtisca

Project Based Learning – Burtis

Project Based Learning – Burtis This is designed for my Algebra 3 course, which is made up of seniors planning to further their education, but not in a math or science field. Since these seniors are in the process of … Continue reading

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Cooperative Learning Strategies – Burtis

All students need the ability to work cooperatively with others. Whether they are the trainee, or the trainer, working together is necessary. Jigsaw is a method that really tackles that aspect. The student must take ownership in learning their piece … Continue reading

Posted in Cooperative Learning | Tagged , , , | 13 Comments

CBCI Strategy – Burtis

The following blog reflects a big departure from how I have done things in the past! Maybe old dogs can learn new tricks. After going through the readings for class, I was compelled to look at how I go about teaching. … Continue reading

Posted in Concept-Based, Misc | Tagged , , , | 10 Comments

MTV Strategies – Burtis

This blog is about starting, finishing, and the thinking involved in each. It contains two lessons plans utilizing MTV strategies. One is an introductory lesson for an Algebra 3 class, while the other is a review session for an Algebra … Continue reading

Posted in Making Thinking Visible, Misc | Tagged , , , , , | 14 Comments