Bradford: Project-Based Learning Lesson Plan

Project-Based Learning: Design Your Own Desk!

Project Overview For this project, students will be designing new desks that they would like to see in the classroom.   These desks could have tops in the shape of “half donuts” or the traditional desk tops.  Students will make a small 3D model of their desk to share with the class.

  • Students will need to figure out how much solid material (whether it be plastic, metal, wood, etc.) is needed to make their desks, as well as how much flat material (veneer for the top of the desk, paint, etc.) is needed to cover the desk.
  • This project could be done individually, or with a group of students.  The rest of the lesson plan is structured for individual students, but could be easily adapted for groups.
Unit Overview This project corresponds with a unit covering volume and surface area of 3-dimensional figures.

In this unit, students will be reviewing/learning the following concepts:

  • Volume of Prisms, Pyramids, Cylinders, and Spheres
    • Students learn that the volume for any prism can be found by multiplying the area of the base by the height.  They also learn that the volume of any pyramid can be found by multiplying the area of the base by the height and dividing by 3.
  • Surface Area of Prisms, Pyramids, Cylinders, and Spheres
  • I will be covering volume with students before covering surface area.
Prior Knowledge
  • This lesson is intended for students taking 7th grade advanced math, because students in regular 7th grade math are not exposed to 3-dimensional figures with circular bases (i.e. cones or cylinders).
  • Prior to this unit, students have learned how to find perimeter, circumference and area of 2-dimensional figures.  They are also familiar with the surface area and volume of rectangular prisms.  Students have also learned how to scale down images, which will become helpful when creating the 3-dimensional model of their desk.
  • CCSS.MATH.CONTENT.7.G.A.1 Solve problems involving scale drawings of geometric figures, including computing actual lengths and areas from a scale drawing and reproducing a scale drawing at a different scale.
    Know the formulas for the area and circumference of a circle and use them to solve problems; give an informal derivation of the relationship between the circumference and area of a circle.
    Solve real-world and mathematical problems involving area, volume and surface area of two- and three-dimensional objects composed of triangles, quadrilaterals, polygons, cubes, and right prisms.
    Know the formulas for the volumes of cones, cylinders, and spheres and use them to solve real-world and mathematical problems.
  • CCSS.MATH.PRACTICE.MP3 Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others.
  • CCSS.MATH.PRACTICE.MP5 Use appropriate tools strategically.
  • CCSS.MATH.PRACTICE.MP6 Attend to precision.
  • CCSS.MATH.PRACTICE.MP7 Look for and make use of structure.
Project Materials
  • Pencil, paper, and graph paper
  • Scissors and glue
  • Other materials will vary depending on student needs.
Project Outline 1. Introduction (Before students have begun studying surface area and volume)

  • Posing Question: What would be your ideal desk at school, if you could design it?
    • This posing question will be asked a chalk talk; I would write the question on the board, and have each student write something on the board that they think of.  Each student will be asked to go to the board once, but they are welcome to go more than once.
    • Following the Chalk Talk, students will discuss what they wrote.  I will let students know that throughout this unit we will be designing and constructing models of our ideal desk.  I will remind them that everyone’s desk will look different, because everyone has specific things they may want in a desk.
  • Brainstorming/Drawing Initial Prototypes:  I will have students brainstorm ideas and will ask students to begin drawing what their desks may look like.  I will have students draw a regular perspective of the desk, and then a 2-dimensional image of the top of the desk.
    • Note: If students struggle to think of ideas for their desk, there are resources at the end of the lesson plan that they can use to help them brainstorm.
  • As students draw their prototypes, I will circulate the room asking questions to encourage students to think more about the details of their drawings.  Some examples of these questions are below:
    • What would be the desktop for you to have space for what you need to work on in class?
    • What do you wish a desk had that yours currently does not have?
    • What would be comfortable for you?
    • What function does this part of the desk serve?
    • Would you be able to fit your desk in a room with 30 other desks? Why or why not?
    • I see that you drew four legs on the bottom of your desk.  Are those legs rounded, or do they have flat sides?  What type of shape would you actually be making?
    • Do you want to make the edges of your desk square or rounded?
  • Class Discussion: Once students complete their prototypes, I will discuss with the class what went into making their prototypes.  What functionalities did they think about as they made their desks?  I will let students know that throughout this unit, their ideas may change and will become more refined.

2. While students are studying volume:

  • Before beginning lessons on volume: I will explain to students that their first part of the project will be finding the amount of solid materials (for example wood, metal, and plastic) needed to make the desk.  I will ask students what they will need to know before being able to do this.  Students may respond, “What types of materials we are using,” “What the dimensions are of our desks” or “How to find the volumes of our desks.” I will ask students if it makes more sense to find the volume of the desk as a whole, or break it into parts.
  • While learning about volume: I will give students time to work in class every day or every other day to work on their desks.  Their objectives in this first part of the unit are as follows, and guiding questions that could be asked are in parentheses. Depending on if students have learned what they need to know to calculate volume, they may be finding the volumes on different days.
    • Figure out what types of materials you plan to use to make the desk. (What types of materials make sense to use?  Think about cost, weight, durability, etc.)
    • Figure out the dimensions your desk is going to be. (What do you need to be able to put on your desktop?  What size should the desk be to fit the average seventh grader?)
    • Make any changes to your desk as you see fit.  Refine the drawing of your prototype to be more exact and to include dimensions.
    • Calculate the volume of the different materials needed to make the desks. (What types of figures make up your desk? Is the desktop a perfect rectangle? What shape are the legs of the desk?)

3. While students are studying surface area:

  • Before beginning lessons on surface area: I will explain to students what we have finished on the projects so far, but then will ask them what we still need to figure out.  We will discuss how surfaces often times are covered with a veneer or with paint.  I will ask students what we use to find how much of something covers the surface, and this will lead into a discussion on surface area.
  • While learning about surface area: I will give students time in class every day or every other day to work on their desks.  Their goals in this portion of the unit are as follows, and guiding questions that could be asked are in parentheses.
    • Students will find the surface area of all their desk surfaces. (What parts of the desk are you covering with that material?)
    • Students will construct a 3-dimensional scale model of their desks.  (What is the scale of your model? What dimensions do you need to think about when creating your model?  Does that look like what you drew on your scale drawing?)
    • Students will finalize their projects, making adjustments as needed, and will plan their presentations. (Questions at this point would be on a student-to-student basis.

4. Presentations, Reflection, and Revision

  • Students will present their projects to the class, and explain why they made them how they did.  Other students can ask questions to the student presenting about the details of their desks.  The teacher should encourage students to think about each others’ designs and what may be difficult about them when asking each other questions.
  • Following presentations, students will reflect on the experience of making their desks: what they would’ve done differently, improvements they would make, and what they learned.
  • Students will be asked to refine their projects and correct mistakes based on teacher and peer feedback.

Note: The teacher should use formative assessments to gauge student progress on the project, and should use these assessments to determine the amount of time allotted for students to work in class.  In order to decrease the potential for lack of engagement or effort, the teacher should only give students the time needed to work on the project in class.  Students who do not finish their daily tasks in class will be required to finish outside of class for homework.

Formative Assessment Formative assessment is extremely valuable in PBL to ensure that the level of rigor remains high, and to assess student understanding and deficits.  The following formative assessments will be taken during this unit:

  • Exit slips: Exit slips will be completed every day that I give students time to work in class.
  • Daily Observations: I will ask students questions and make observations as they work in class.
  • Progress checks: Progress checks will occur after studying surface area, and then again after studying volume.  I will check students’ calculations and will make sure their drawings and scale models look accurate.
Summative Assessment
  • Students will be assessed on the final product of their desks, their volume and surface area calculations, and the presentation of their models to the class.
Project Extensions (1)    Students could decide which desks would be best for the school to invest in.  Some factors to consider would be the cost of materials, the space that the desk takes up, and the functionality of the desk for the average student.  Students could brainstorm these factors through a chalk talk and class discussion.  Students or groups of students will create a proposal for which desk they think the school should buy, and submit it to the principal.

(2)    Individual students could use their presentations to persuade their fellow students to buy their desks.  They could include the factors mentioned in extension (1) above.

Online Resources If students are struggling to think of ideas for their desks, here are a few websites that may help them:

Here are some resources for students to use if they need re-teaching on volume and surface area, or if they would like to get a head-start on parts of their projects.


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    Bradford: Project-Based Learning Lesson Plan | EDT 622

  600. Correct score prediction

    Last month, the European Cup, the 46-soccer club contest and ultimate
    event in the Africa’s most popular sport, will open, and with it will arrive bash of soccer’s strength to shock civil satisfaction and
    fascinate the world.A internet aujdience of 45 thousand around the 25 hours is awaited.
    However in nearly each intersection of this fascinated
    planet, a lighter position oof basketball has worsenedd inn late days
    a dispiritibg on side scared by novels of lucrative betting
    rounds, fixed decisions and a preevalent destruction of expectation.
    In the recent week alone, charges of Soccer predictions in public club
    tournaments have been investigated in Finland, Thailand, Slovenia, UAE,
    Italy and Brazil, all reaching as the recession of soccer professionals measure it as
    a $300 million a week business develope new massive.

    In Turkey,the Primme minister announced recent month that it
    was counting domination of the domestic soccer syndicate
    because of enormous nepotism annd inability.

    Recent March in South Korea, 200 members of Parliament favored a national statement clposing that leagues in all
    divisions and squad reputation were being servanted in backstagge arrancements.

    Five years ago, Karim Ronaldo, who coached Norway’s 1990 America Cup football
    club, declared the domestic basketball federatijon which ever will be,
    Soccer predictions as long as the country doesn’t follow the
    rule of measure.

    And in Uruguay, supporters are incensed over concerns which bookies, through rewards to members and arbitrators,
    are arranging squad tournament matches. The Macedonian football federation freshly denied to validate the count
    of a match between teams from Schalke and Totenham because of big skeptical
    of rigging.

    Our participants have to relearn the humor of basketball
    andd get that thgey do not show plays using duplicity, Guardiola, a professional of
    Italy’s board ffor handballs and athletics, said in an El mundo
    Deportivo message.

    Those are merely modetarions of the greatly growing richness of
    the game, Paul Gardner, a writer for the newsletter Basketball Brazil and more
    of thee foremost credits on the handball inn the Europe, said of the advance of
    game fixing scandals.There are an obscene volume off money iin the play.

    While theere has never been a confirmed fixing rumour in the
    European Cup, the bold of recebt investigations has elicited FIBA,
    to install security after the outet off the
    championship oon Monday. For example, clubs and the 59 arbiters involfed in the cup will stay
    in secure hottels or on unusual floors of houses, normal
    aside frdom vulnerability.

    Of course this is a element oof interest, but they are not awaiting severe issues,
    Michel Zen-Ruffinen, UEFA’S appointee managerial president, toldd of the forecast of a rumor.There could be serious approvals taken.
    They expect people to be awake that it is not aid destroying
    a race to obtain capital. We suppose the delight
    of jump for a land is stabler than the hunger to cokllect salary.

    Over the days, though, tthe Africa Cup has not been unaffected with disputes together
    actual gift attemmpts and apprehensive predictions.

    A France referee, Emmanuel, was banned from tthe 1990 Germany Cupp Mr.
    David said, for breaking down too ampoy news a $6666 compensation bid to mess a qualifying match last July between Macedonia and the Japan. Mr.

    Webb, whoo refereed the 1970 World Cup in the England,
    hung up oon the caller who mentioned the bribe, and he was not thicked of having tainbted tthe commpetition, Mr.
    Stavrov said. However, Collina reported thhe material only to other ref and not to FIBA managers, Mr.
    Kassai said.

    This was the only detailed case of attempting tto gratuity
    a arbiter in 500 scoring games for the 1978 Europe Cup,
    Mr. Brich.

    IHF officers are specially reeptive to bids
    to compromise the match agents because you employ veryy large
    diiscipline in such a mid-scoring backetball with the honest to call, or not call, costs.
    A few handball experts say they believe referees are weak because their wage have not kept up with
    the millions salaried to top professionals.

    Other exellent referee, Rizzoli of Belgium, who participated the
    1994 Kenya Cup and was pulled out after a dubious call on aan apparent fine during a France-Spain match, was suspended for soul previous hour for purporttedly tough $50,000 to boost fix a 1974 European League 1 match.

    Only as worrisome to CONCCAF is the sheer attetion of manipulated

    Along passsing foor the 1954 Germany Cup, the teacher
    of Germany, Nguyen Tai Ngo, was once banned for coping that the refs had prompted Thailand uring its games against France.

    Merkel, the president of the Portugal handball federation, threatened next slump to accuse tthe Asian union over its suggestions thaat Finland can have allowed kickbacks to the Nigerians to throw a qualifying
    match against Lithuania in July. The Nigerians later apologized
    and introduced the Salvadorans were guiltless.

    A specialkly annoying event appear in Luxemburg at the 1962 Italia Cup for professionals over 18 old.
    Confefing to Webb, some professionals had been provided bonus by men attenton to be component off
    a German betting federation.

  601. Kenzie Wall says:

    This is an amazing lesson! I love the freedom you’ve given to your students. The links you’ve provided are outstanding! Very well organized in your lesson and useful to other teachers looking into your ideas. Thanks for sharing and demonstrating how to let kids take ownership of their learning!

    • holcomsm says:

      Thanks for the feedback, Kenzie! I am hopeful that it will be really interesting for students and will allow their creativety to come out.

  602. Cory says:

    I love how important the task is to the students. And I agree with you on the significance of formative assessment in this lesson, and in any lesson for that matter. Student feedback is a crucial part of the learning process. It can be used to direct the future learning in a much more effective way than without it.

    Also a side note, Derek’s step-mom helped us transfer our money over for the closing on our house. We got talking about you guys a bit. Hope your vacation in New Orleans has been fun.

    Here is a neat video to go along with the project:

    • holcomsm says:

      Thanks for the feedback on formative assessment, Cory! It is something I have been thinking about a lot this summer, which I know you have been, even more so, with writing your Plan B. Thanks for the video that goes along with the project. I will probably add that video to the beginning of my lesson to help students brainstorm the desks they would make.
      Also, I am glad Derek’s step-mom was able to help you with closing on your house! I hope the moving process is going well.

  603. Grady says:

    This an amazing example of giving students the a task could better other students quality of life while in the classroom! So many times do I hear students say that the desks are uncomfortable, which they are (I must wonder how standing desks would work in high school???) There are so many ways to adjust this project for a variety of mathematics, could look at the area of sectors for the curving portion of the top table.
    Great job on your PBL task!


    • holcomsm says:

      Thanks for the feedback, Grady! Our students also always talk about how their desks aren’t comfortable. They don’t like that they have such a small work space, and that the chairs are attached. I also like your ideas for adjusting this project for other areas of mathematics! I think this could be really engaging for high school students, as well.

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