Tag Archives: reading

Spring Street MFA Reading Series

Harris Hall, 150

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500 Harris Drive, Oxford OH 45056 #SpringStreet

The Spring Street Reading Series features graduate student writers from Miami University’s Creative Writing MFA program and is held monthly throughout the academic year. The following is the anticipated schedule and designated readers. 

Fall Semester: Harris Hall (Room 150) 

  • October SpringStreet Reading (Tuesday Oct. 15th @ 7:15 PM): Dominik Gebell, Maddie Portune, Tanushree Mukherjee, & Anna Richard 
  • WRITER’S HARVEST Annual Reading and Art Auction fundraising event for hunger (all proceeds go directly to our local food pantry TOPSS)  (on ZOOM: Tuesday Nov. 19th @ 7-8 PM): Kyle Williams, James Foss, Emma Rowan, & Kayla Belser. On ZOOM: https://miamioh.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZAvc-6vqjoiH9QNvM1EzRPMFnwNKn-FcZ5p 

Spring Semester: Harris Hall (Room 150) 

  • February Spring Street Reading (Tuesday Feb. 11th @ 7:15 PM): Hossein Sobhani, CC Webb, Samantha Stahlhut, &  Jordyn Damato 
  • March SpringStreet Reading (Tuesday Mar. 11th @ 7:15 PM): Cody Tieman, Candace Renicks, Mary Newton, & Chris Bowyer 
  • April Spring Street Reading (Tuesday Apr. 15th @ 7:15 PM): Ross Kohler, Ria Adams, Ana Eliza de Melo Garcia, & Joshua Konecke 

Miami University Press Poetry Reading by Distinguished Irish Poet & Editor Randolph Healy

When? Thursday, November 14, 2024.6pm.

 Register to attend the Zoom

Miami University Press is proud to present a Zoom reading on Thursday, November 14th from 6-7:30PM EST by distinguished Irish poet and editor Randolph Healy, author of books including The Electron-Ghost Casino (Miami University Press, 2024) and Green 532: Selected Poems 1983-2000 (Salt, 2002). 

Healy will be introduced by recent Miami MFA graduate Sean Pierson, author of The Perfect Season (Wild Honey Press, 2024).

Comprising forty-nine units, with a bespoke porch and optional exit through a bestiary, Randolph Healy’s The Electron-Ghost Casino has a décor ranging from the cerebral (all percentiles included) to the earthy. Notes of horror, intimacy, fractured histories, and joy echo from its chambers. Healy is the author of Green 532: Selected Poems 1983-2000 (Salt 2002) and other books and chapbooks celebrated by readers throughout the Anglophone poetry world. This is his first American book publication. Are some of his tunes unfamiliar?  Don’t worry, or do. We may be out of time, but there’s still space. Dance.

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Miami University Press Novella Prize Winner Reading

Ashley Honeysett Reading

Tue, Apr 30, 2024 7:30am.

Join us in person or on Zoom for a reading featuring Ashley Honeysett. Her debut novella, FICTIONS, won the 2023 Miami University Press Novella Prize. [Zoom link forthcoming]


Simultaneously novella-in-stories, plague journal, memoir, and meditation on writing, Ashley Honeysett’s FICTIONS illuminates and explores the mind of a storyteller wrestling with the essential strangeness of writing fiction at a time when a common story has eluded us all. A box of finely made enchantments. – Hugh Sheehy, author of DESIGN FLAWS

About the Author:

Ashley Honeysett has lived throughout the United States as well as in Ireland and Japan and is now raising a child with her husband outside of Chicago, where she works as a fundraiser for environmental nonprofits. She studied creative writing at Stephens College in Columbia, Missouri, and published poetry and prose in journals there and at Michigan State University.

Rodrigo Toscano and two poetry students stand intent, reading from sheafs of paper during a poetry performance skit.

Rodrigo Toscano performs with MFA students

Last semester, on Tuesday, November 6, acclaimed poet (and labor organizer by trade) Rodrigo Toscano, along with five Miami Creative Writing MFA students, performed for a full house in the Bachelor Hall reading room. (Pictures here.) Toscano has lived a double life, splitting his time between working in the labor movement and weaving his poetry. A writer who has authored multiple books of poetry, recordings, and essays, he most recently released a collection based off a single sentence, one that also gave him the title for the book: Explosion Rocks Springfield. With Miami graduate students, he performed a string of poem-skits that combined to create an astute reflection on the modern human experience. Continue reading

Visiting writer Peter Manson, in a pale linen jacket, stands at the microphone and gestures. Miami University faculty poet cris cheek, in a hand-painted shirt, kilt, and glasses, watches Manson intently.

Peter Manson and cris cheek: a night of poetry

On October 30th, the seats of Irvin 40 filled quickly with poetry enthusiasts, there to see the reading of cris cheek and Peter Manson, two writers hailing from across the pond. Manson is from Glasgow and is the author of a variety of works including a book-length translation titled Stéphane Mallarmé: The Poems in Verse (Miami University Press). cheek, originally from England, now teaches here at Miami. He has done it all—music, publishing, dancing, and e-poetry. It made for an interesting scene, Scottish and English poets who cut their teeth performing and writing abroad and in online spaces now reading together for a US crowd. The reading was a melting pot of European Anglophone styles, countries, cultures, and languages as each author brought his own flavor to the mix. Continue reading

First Annual Graduate Student Choice Reading Brings Alexandra Kleeman to MU

“She was truly happy for the first time in her life, and it felt just like living in a small room painted all white…”

So begins Alexandra Kleeman’s Jellyfish, the short story she read this past Thursday to a crowd of people in the Miami University Bookstore. Continue reading

How Joseph-Beth’s and Jonathan Franzen Made Books Personal Again

On Tuesday, January 26, 2009, a friend and I drove over an hour round trip in the Columbus snow, spinning out twice, to buy Franz Ferdinand’s third album, Tonight: Franz Ferdinand, at a record store on its release date. Continue reading

MU Press Novella Winner Lawrence Coates to Visit Miami

Lawrence Coates is the author of Camp Olvido, the winner of the Miami University Press 2015 Novella Prize. He is currently a professor of creative writing at Bowling Green State University. MU Press intern and senior Creative Writing major Annabel Brooks recently chatted on the phone with Coates to learn more about his novella and his writing process in anticipation of Camp Olvido’s October 27th release. Continue reading

Say “Yes!”: Career Advice from Beth Harrison

Beth Harrison on LinkedIn: Can this quirky Naval poetry tradition make a  comeback?

Last week, we welcomed Beth Harrison to Miami’s campus for this year’s Gutsche lecture. The Gutsche lecture series allows us to bring back highly successful Miami English Department alumni each year to speak about their experiences in the professional sphere and offer advice to Miami students who are on the brink of entering that sphere. Beth Harrison graduated from Miami in 1992 with a B.A. in Creative Writing. A handful of her most notable job titles include: Interim Executive Director of the Academy of American Poets, Director of Development & External Relations at the Alliance for Young Artists & Writers, publishing editor at Oxford University Press and Princeton Architectural Press, Managing Director of the Discover Outdoors Foundation, and founding editor of literary magazine Spinning Jenny. Continue reading