Tag Archives: poetry

Spring Street MFA Reading Series

Harris Hall, 150

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500 Harris Drive, Oxford OH 45056 #SpringStreet

The Spring Street Reading Series features graduate student writers from Miami University’s Creative Writing MFA program and is held monthly throughout the academic year. The following is the anticipated schedule and designated readers. 

Fall Semester: Harris Hall (Room 150) 

  • October SpringStreet Reading (Tuesday Oct. 15th @ 7:15 PM): Dominik Gebell, Maddie Portune, Tanushree Mukherjee, & Anna Richard 
  • WRITER’S HARVEST Annual Reading and Art Auction fundraising event for hunger (all proceeds go directly to our local food pantry TOPSS)  (on ZOOM: Tuesday Nov. 19th @ 7-8 PM): Kyle Williams, James Foss, Emma Rowan, & Kayla Belser. On ZOOM: https://miamioh.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZAvc-6vqjoiH9QNvM1EzRPMFnwNKn-FcZ5p 

Spring Semester: Harris Hall (Room 150) 

  • February Spring Street Reading (Tuesday Feb. 11th @ 7:15 PM): Hossein Sobhani, CC Webb, Samantha Stahlhut, &  Jordyn Damato 
  • March SpringStreet Reading (Tuesday Mar. 11th @ 7:15 PM): Cody Tieman, Candace Renicks, Mary Newton, & Chris Bowyer 
  • April Spring Street Reading (Tuesday Apr. 15th @ 7:15 PM): Ross Kohler, Ria Adams, Ana Eliza de Melo Garcia, & Joshua Konecke 

Miami University Press Poetry Reading by Distinguished Irish Poet & Editor Randolph Healy

When? Thursday, November 14, 2024.6pm.

 Register to attend the Zoom

Miami University Press is proud to present a Zoom reading on Thursday, November 14th from 6-7:30PM EST by distinguished Irish poet and editor Randolph Healy, author of books including The Electron-Ghost Casino (Miami University Press, 2024) and Green 532: Selected Poems 1983-2000 (Salt, 2002). 

Healy will be introduced by recent Miami MFA graduate Sean Pierson, author of The Perfect Season (Wild Honey Press, 2024).

Comprising forty-nine units, with a bespoke porch and optional exit through a bestiary, Randolph Healy’s The Electron-Ghost Casino has a décor ranging from the cerebral (all percentiles included) to the earthy. Notes of horror, intimacy, fractured histories, and joy echo from its chambers. Healy is the author of Green 532: Selected Poems 1983-2000 (Salt 2002) and other books and chapbooks celebrated by readers throughout the Anglophone poetry world. This is his first American book publication. Are some of his tunes unfamiliar?  Don’t worry, or do. We may be out of time, but there’s still space. Dance.

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Rita Dove Alumni Event for National Poetry Month

Join us for a special event with Rita Dove, Miami University creative writing alumna, Pulitzer Prize winner and National Poet Laureate Emeritus

Alumna poet Rita Dove will join us virtually for a reading and conversation including creative writing poetry faculty in the Heritage Room, Shriver Center. You can check out a recent Paris Review Interview of the US Poet Laureate Emeritus and Pulitzer Prize winner in which she speaks about her time at Miami and its influence on her.

You can find our Alumni testimonials page here.

Poetry and Pizza event

Join HWC for an evening of Poetry + Pizza TOMORROW, April 30th at Howe Writing Center from 6:00 – 7:30 PM. Open mic! Bring your own poetry, a favorite poem, or other creative writing. Listen to readers, eat pizza, and enter a raffle! All are welcome.

Annual Publishing Symposium 2024

Annual Publishing Symposium – April 15, 2024 at 5:30pm

Please join us as we host three publishing professionals–Lisa Ampleman, the Cincinnati Review & Acre BooksKayla Lightner, Ayesha Pande Literary; and Miami Alumnus Todd Seabrook, The Cupboard Pamphlet–who will answer questions about publishing your creative work, as well as careers in publishing. 

Each year the Creative Writing Program brings in members of the publishing industry–such as editors, publishers, agents, and authors–often alumni or friends of the program. This year we are doing it by Zoom. Please sign up using the QR code in the brochure or this link:

register here in advance:



English Department Career Day Event

A Career Day for English Majors including creative writing majors

Join the Department of English and the Center for Career Exploration and Success (CCES) for Spill the Tea: English Edition, an afternoon of career-development workshops followed by an alumni panel, on Tuesday, April 9 in Shriver’s Heritage Room. There will be prizes, swag, and delicious food!

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Selvage, Diaspora, and Lingual Processes: a Conversation with Hoa Nguyen

National Poetry Month 2020

By: Savannah Trent

I sat down, well more accurately sat down and logged into google chat, to talk to poet Hoa Nguyen to ask her about identity, belonging, and the diasporic experience.  Nguyen, whose 2016 book length collection of poems Violet Energy Ingots was shortlisted for the 2017 Griffin prize in poetry, is a poet whose work is known for its melodic quality, weaving rhyme, non sequiturs, syllabic play, and references to Sappho and Shakespeare among others. Born in the Mekong Delta, she was raised in the Washington DC area during the time of punk, post-punk and the Reagan presidency though she now resides in Toronto where she teaches creative writing and serves as a mentor to Miami University’s low residency program in creative writing. She is also the author of Dark (Skanky Possum 1998), Your ancient see through (AA Arts 2001), Hecate Lochia (Hot Whiskey 2009), As long as trees last (Wave 2012) and Red Juice: Poems 1998-2008 (Wave 2014).

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Meet Your Professors! Interview One — cris cheek

National Poetry Month 2020

At the start of this semester, I wanted to begin a series of interviews with professors; I believe our faculty are what make the entire Miami English department special and I hoped to use the platform to showcase that. Now that so much has changed as a result of the pandemic, I hope this series can also help future students get to know the creative writing program since they can’t come visit in person. To kick this series off and continue with our National Poetry Month theme, I I interviewed poetry professor cris cheek about his work:

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Nīnauele me Jim Chapson — Interview by Paul Vogel

National Poetry Month 2020

Born in Honolulu in 1944, Jim Chapson attended San Francisco State University and received his MA in 1968. With his partner, the Irish poet James Liddy (1934–2008), he moved to Milwaukee in 1976 and taught in the UW-Milwaukee English Department as an adjunct until 2016. He served as Poet Laureate of the City of Milwaukee from 2014 to 2016. He spends most of his time reading, writing and shopping at Whole Foods.

I once wrote that Jim’s poems move deftly between razor-sharp satire and passionate spiritual concern. I’ve also been close friends with him for many years and understand how important he is to his former students and poets in Milwaukee.

Paul Vogel: What was growing up in Hawaii like? What does your haole identity mean to you?

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