C49: Quantum Computing: A Gateway to Rapid Function Processing

My general research area is quantum computing. The tool used is IBM’s public qubit simulator to experiment with different quantum functions and compare them to traditional computer functions. The research question is whether we can use quantum computers in our everyday lives to speed up different tasks in comparison to traditional computers. This is relevant for the field since traditional computer speeds are limited by their hardware components. Quantum computers will help usher in a new era of fast function processing. Our major finding has been that there are certain examples of functions where quantum computers show performance supremacy over traditional computers. It allows us to move forward to discover other classes of functions where quantum computers can have a significant advantage. This work has been relevant to my career since I believe quantum computers will be an integral part of our lives in the future. Google, IBM, and other large tech companies and research institutions are heavily involved in the development of quantum computers so it would be a perfect fit for my career as an aspiring computer scientist.

Author(s): Mahir Rahman, Computer Science Major

Advisor(s): Imran Mirza, Department of Physics

C49: Quantum Computing: A Gateway to Rapid Function Processing

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