B63: Academic Burnout Among College Students and its Relationship with Alcohol-Induced Blackouts

Approximately, 71% of college students experience academic burnout symptoms during their college career (George Citrone, 2021). Burnout is a feeling of mental, physical, and emotional exhaustion due to the perception of high levels of stress. Burnout is an issue that affects many students and relates to excessive drinking. Blacking out is defined as a period of alcohol induced amnesia where people are not able to remember their activities once being sober. There are many factors that may relate to blacking out behavior, however this study intends to examine if academic burnout may also relate to blacking out. The data for this study was collected from an annual ongoing survey conducted at a midsize midwestern university. The survey measured the students’ qualification of being in academic burnout by using the Maslach Burnout scale for Academic Burnout. Students will also be asked a number of questions about their drinking behavior and if their behavior changed when academic struggles were involved. With the results, I intend to see that the more a student experiences academic burnout the more likely they are to black out with alcohol. Information from this study could be used to build interventions or prevention efforts in college students.

Author: Maya Nathan, Psychology

Advisor: Rose Marie Ward, Ph.D, Kinesiology, Nutrition and Health

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