B50: Game Theory

The general research area is math and statistics, mainly on games and gaming. In the research, we have learned about the different games and how to determine which player will win in certain games. Some games are different from what people are looking at. We are looking at games that can’t have ties, are two players, and the loser of the game is when they can move on their turn. How do you find out who will win a two-player game using math? This is the question that is being researched. Games can be figured out how to win using math and strategies that most people might not think of. It helps to advance the way people think about how they view games or play them. Only some know what these games are and how to play them. This helps to know that there are other things you can do with math than just doing math as a teacher or as a person who only does the math of banking or people researching things. I have wanted to do things in math for a long time, and I am so glad I have many options for doing things with math. The more of the work for this project was done, the more of it related to a future career in math. The math we had to use to figure out the outcome of the games would help me get the job I wanted in the future. The job that it is helping with is a job as a mathematics person or a statistician.

Author(s): Ren Fuller

Advisor(s): Daniel Pritikin, Mathematics

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