B47: Female hormones and pelvic inflammatory disease in women: a cross-sectional study

Introduction: More than 1 million women in the US contract pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) each year causing over 100,000 infertility cases. Although several risk factors for PID have been identified, the possible association of female hormone usage and PID has not been analyzed. This study’s research question was, “Is the use of estrogen or progesterone hormones associated with pelvic inflammatory disease in women aged 20 years or older?”

Methods: Data from National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) was analyzed with a sample size of 4,168 individuals. Results: The use of female hormones in women aged 20 years or older was not significantly associated with PID. But, a significant relationship between the use of birth control and PID.

Discussion: Female hormone usage is not a strong risk factor for the development of PID. But future research is needed to explore in depth the implications of hormonal birth control on PID and women’s health.

Conclusion: The use of female hormones is not a prevalent risk factor for pelvic inflammatory disease in women 20 years or older.

Author(s): Krissy McHugh, Public Health and Data Science and Statistics Major

Tori Soria, Public Health Major

Advisor(s): Saruna Ghimire, Department of Sociology and Gerontology

B47: Female hormones and pelvic inflammatory disease in women: a cross-sectional study

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