A60: Success in Student Fosterment of LGBTQ+ Identities at Miami University

In this project,  the area of research we are specifically interested in involves the focus group of LGBTQ+ identifying students in college. Using a specific set of guidelines, we developed a research question that would honor the diversity and success of students. Specifically, we are interested in how successful student led organizations have been in fostering a sense of community among students who identify as LGBTQ+, in comparison to other universities. Why this is relevant to our field of study is because it allows us to look at Our work was conducted using surveys through the Google Form platform. By sending out mass links, people were able to voluntarily participate in this research by answering several questions involving likert scales and open ended questions. The findings of our study were not incredibly significant, but provided a solid foundation for further research to be done. While we found that student organizations have been successful in fostering sense of belonging on the Miami University campus specifically, further research needs to be done in order to find the specific impacts of these organizations on LGBTQ+ identifying students. The way to resolve this would be to invite more respondents from a bigger sample of people; this would aid in receiving more diversified responses. This research experience has been relevant to my intended career as it has given me a preview of what the general process of research looks like. I was able to learn the logistical and ethical side of performing research, and was able to apply it in real time settings.

Author(s): AnnaGrace Harris, Psychology Major

Jasmine Wade, Philosophy Major

Gabrielle Christmon, Psychology Major

Katie Jachim, English Linguistics Major

Advisor(s): Carolyn Craig, DEIB & Visiting Faculty, College of Arts and Science
Abigail Morgan, University Libraries

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