A17-P: Introduction to Neuroscience Class Project: Investigation of Dr. Blitz Lab

Our research was conducted as a part of BIO159, a Neuroscience seminar that seeks to inform neuroscience majors of the research occurring on campus. In order to become acquainted with ongoing research, the class worked in groups to identify a lab of our choice. We used the Miami University Libraries resources to obtain research articles and popular science articles on the general topic of our chosen lab. This group focused on the lab of Dr. Dawn Blitz, who uses the Jonah Crab (Cancer borealis) as a model organism to study neuronal connections and how they affect behavior. Her research is relevant as it focuses on neuroplasticity, the idea that neurons (brain cells) can change their activity and connections they form based on external stimuli. While Dr. Blitz focuses on how neuroplasticity is involved in behavior, it is also necessary for the formation of memories and storage of knowledge. Understanding neuroplasticity is key to unlocking the secrets of the brain. Dr. Blitz uses the stomach and intestinal tract of the Jonah Crab and measures voltage produced both inside and outside of gastric neuron cells. A recent publication by Dr. Blitz, demonstrated that a specific neural chemical was able to change the rhythmic activity of C. borealis stomatogastric neurons (Blitz et al, 2019). Investigation of the research being conducted by the Blitz lab has familiarized us with the use of research techniques that will be relevant as we move further into our education and career. It has also helped us to understand how to communicate research to a lay audience. Blitz, D. M., Christie, A. E., Cook, A. P., Dickinson, P. S., Nusbaum, M. P. (2019). Similarities and differences in circuit responses to APPLIED Gly1-SIFamide AND Peptidergic (Gly1-SIFamide) neuron stimulation. Journal of Neurophysiology, 121(3), 950-972.

Authors: Ashley Kaskocsak, Stephen Kopcho, Maddy Spencer

Faculty Advisor: Dr. Joyce Fernandes, Department of Biology

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