August 12 Project Update

Again, another busy week in SSB9 land.

Due to required security updates from Elllucian, teams were heavily involved in validating the upgrades before implementing them this week. The teams have also been focusing on being ready for the start of school which begins on August 22.

The upgrades done the weekend of July 30 unexpectedly activated some functionality in production that we were not ready to have active. It was deactivated and the vendor was contacted for feedback on how/why their upgrade overrode our configurations.

The updates for the grails vulnerabilities were installed in production this past weekend (August 13). June upgrades will be installed into our testing environment the week of August 15.

We are one step closer to implementing attaching documents to Journal Vouchers and look forward to doing so in late September.

We welcome any questions or comments you may have on the various functions that will be available within SSB9.

SSB9 page access audit numbers module totals:
Employee: 11,264     
Finance: 1,185       
General: 3,198      
Student Financial Aid: 86,884

Selected SSB9 page access audit numbers:
/EmployeeSelfService/ssb/hrDashboard: 7,136
/EmployeeSelfService/ssb/laborRedistribution: 482
/BannerGeneralSsb/ssb/general: 1,512
/BannerGeneralSsb/ssb/personalInformation: 903
/StudentSelfService/ssb/financialAid: 69,555