Previous research has revealed that mu opioid receptors (MOR) located on cholinergic interneurons play a role in the mechanisms of reward and inhibition. By utilizing new analyses in drinking behavior, we hope to examine these mechanisms and consumption patterns in greater detail than we have previously. Through the usage of lickometry, we are able to track individual licks from a bottle of alcohol or other substances rather than tracking overall consumption over a given time period. Additionally, the utilization of fiber photometry allows us to examine dopamine release in the nucleus accumbens in real time. Pairing this technique with mice with selective deletions of their MOR on cholinergic interneurons, we expect to see differences in the amount of dopamine signaling between mice with and without this deletion. Our studies have piloted the usage of both of these techniques to further examine discoveries previously made in our lab.
Authors(s): Ezra Eccles, Hunter Wells, Cambria Beane, and Anna K. Radke
Advisor(s): Anna K. Radke, Psychology
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