B33: Breast Cancer Survivorship Among South Asian Women

This study explores to understand the experiences of breast cancer survivorship amongst South Asian women in the global diaspora. Many studies in the past have explored the experiences of breast cancer survivorship, though little has been done to explore the factors that contribute to these experiences in minority populations. The research question considered in this study is the exploration of the similarities and differences in breast cancer (BC) survivorship between Indian-origin women living in the U.S. to those living outside the U.S. with similar backgrounds. Specifically, the objective of this study is to explicate effects of spirituality and cultural factors on BC survivorship components such as cancer-related burdens, gender norms about familial roles, perceived body image, meaning-making about BC, and social support systems or resources.This research project collects data from an in-person interview and a web-based survey of valid and reliable questionnaires with scales generated from well-known and valid interview questions. Collected data information is then de-identified and stored in a secure database at Miami University with access limited to research members. Thus far we have collected data from nineteen participants, of which include 14 participants living in India. All data for this presentation represents women living in India. The major themes found thus far from participants in India include trust in medical professionals, social support, coping using a positive mindset, and coping using faith. This experience is relevant for our intended careers because it will allow us to understand the experiences as opposed to solely the diagnosis of Breast Cancer survivors, especially for our research members who intend to work in the medical field.

Authors: Petrina Duffour, Erica Kruszewski, Tori Soria, Cassidy White, Kylie Goudy, & Abbie Gannon

Advisor: Elise Radina, Department of Family Science and Social Work; Associate Dean for Research, Family Development, and Graduate Studies

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