B30: Racial Stereotypes and Their Effects on Academic Performance

The general research area for this study was in the field of social work. My work was conducted by sending out a survey for my Research Methods class via Google Forms. Once I got my data in, I analyzed the open-ended questions for common themes. The research question is “To what extent do racial stereotypes affect academic performance?” This is relevant for the field because social workers can work in policy-making to help pass things that can prevent stereotypes in academic settings. The major findings are that racial stereotypes do have an impact on academic performance and that most people of color have experienced discomfort because of their race, both in academic and social settings. The lack of diversity among my participants allows me to expand my study and advocate for more diversity in the future. I intend to analyze the quantitative data to see if that supports my hypothesis, as well. I will be looking for both a wider range of participants as well as more diversity, as most of my participants were Caucasian. This experience is relevant to my intended career because I plan on advocating for those who are part of oppressed groups, several of those groups being different racial and ethnic groups

Author: Abbie Gannon

Advisor: Angela Curl, Social Work

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