B28: Capacity Issues in Sexual Assault Prevention Programs Within Higher Education

This article is an examination of the capacity barriers of Title IX Coordinators within the higher education setting. Title IX is a civil right that prohibits sex discrimination in education and it applies to all school that receive federal financial assistance from the government. The 2011 Office of Civil Rights Dear Colleagues Letter states that all institutions appoint an individual to oversee prevention efforts and respond to sexual violence and harassment claims. Due to these responsibilities, Title IX Coordinators play the crucial role of being the link between the organization and the community. This article examines the way non-physical factors (time, biological human capacity, relationship building) and the physical factors (policies, procedures, funding, and student) are within the context of the environment. Consideration of current trends and data in research associated with Title IX coordination suggests that barriers such as time influence the role of being a Title IX coordinator. This article subsequently explores policies Title IX coordinators are required to adhere to.  This article also explores the relevant training, resources, workforce, and collaboration that aid in the execution of the Title IX Coordination role within the university context. Furthermore, the article explores these barriers of a Title IX coordinator from the perspective of the RAND University Self-assessment for further conceptualization and identifying constraints. Additionally, the current trends data suggest that Title IX coordinators across Higher Education come from various backgrounds and experiences with various levels of institutional support. Current trends also suggest that turnover is also a common antecedent of this profession.

Authors: Brianna Sanders, Piper Hamilton, Kate Brand, John Shapland, Jon Sorintion

Advisor: Paul Flaspohler, Psychology

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