Miami’s New Sustainable Composting Systems

September 21, 2023 | No Comments

Have you spotted the new composting systems around Armstrong Student Center yet? If you’re curious about what’s going on, we’ve got the inside scoop for you!

Miami recently received a grant from the Environmental Protection Agency and the university is putting that funding towards green initiatives around campus! This year, Armstrong is partnering with Aramark, Miami’s dining service, to install five composting systems in Armstrong. Locations are strategically placed across from Emporium, Sumeshi, and Cafe Lux, and inside RedZone and Pulley Diner. They hope to expand into dining halls and other university buildings in the near future as well. 

Each smart waste station is equipped with a television and camera above a counter of four bins labeled landfill, recycling, composting, and paper. The program is controlled by an artificial intelligence system called Oscar Sort that can recognize trash and where it should go. All you have to do is hold up your trash to the camera, and the television will identify what those materials are and where they should go. It’s like a little game! And the environment is the winner.

Each smart waste station is equipped with a television and camera above a counter of four bins labeled landfill, recycling, composting, and paper. The program is controlled by an artificial intelligence system called Oscar Sort that can recognize trash and where it should go. All you have to do is hold up your trash to the camera, and the television will identify what those materials are and where they should go.It’s like a little game! And the environment is the winner.

So you might be wondering, what even is composting and why is it so important? In short, composting is the natural process of recycling organic matter and turning it into fertilizer for plants and animals. It is a super easy way to put materials to practical use, reduce our carbon footprint, and boost sustainability here on campus. 

Miami’s Director for Sustainability Olivia Herron states, “if it grows it goes.” That means anything once alive can be composted. That also includes paper based products such as straws, paper and cardboard, as well as any food waste (including meat! This system is way more sophisticated than home systems that are more limited). Aramark is even switching all their facilities’ to-go containers and cutlery to fully compostable materials too, so disposal just got that much easier!

Generally, here’s a guideline for what can go into each bin: 

Plastics (including Starbucks cold cups), paper, paper cups (lid removed), cardboard, aluminum, glassFood scraps, used paper and cardboard products like napkins and greasy pizza boxes that have been contaminated by food and can no longer be recycled To-go plastic bags and plastic packaging

These systems are still new, but they are learning and updating each day. If you ever have a question about what the smart waste station is suggesting, don’t hesitate to ask questions. It’s a new experience for just about all of us! 

Miami strives to stay environmentally friendly, so keep your eyes peeled for these new composting stations and take the time to do your part in disposing of your trash properly! 

For more information on how to work these systems, check out our Reel and Tiktok for a quick explanation.

Kenzie Abodeely, Class of 2024