Did you know that Miami ranked in the top six most beautiful college campuses in the United States in 2019 by CEO World Magazine? And you probably remember that Robert Frost wrote about Oxford saying Miami was “the most beautiful campus that ever there was.” And McCracken Hall is the second most photographed building in all of Ohio! 

It’s no secret that we have one stunning campus. So whether you are looking to scope out places to take senior photos or just want to spice up your social media feed, here are some of the most instagrammable places on Miami’s campus. 

Kumler Chapel 

The Kumler Chapel is over 100 years old and has beautiful architecture both inside and out. There are plenty of good angles and photo spots all around the chapel. 

Kumler chapel with snow on the ground


On two sides of Pearson Hall there are two stone framings with Miami University and the date that our school was founded on them. They create beautiful backdrops for senior photos and in the spring you’ll find red and white flowers planted in the shape of an M in front, facing Cook Feld. 

Pearson Hall with the sign that says Miami University 1809. Red and white flowers in the shape of an M in the foreground.

The Seal

One of Miami’s most beloved symbols doubles as a stage for great photos. With the friendship tree and King Library behind you on one side and Upham Hall on the other, you really can’t go wrong. Also, I’ve heard that if you are taking your senior photos, the curse is postponed and you can step on the seal without repercussions.   

The Seal in academic quad

Upham Arch

Another iconic photo opportunity is under the Upham Arch. This is a popular photo spot for Miami Mergers who took the midnight challenge and became a part of the 14% of Miami Alumni who are married. With its unique setting and perfect lighting, this spot is great even on super sunny or even rainy days. 

A view of the seal from under the Upham Arch

The Sundial

The Sundial is another one of Miami’s beloved traditions and scenic photo locations. There is a long beautiful path leading up to the Sundial and it sits in front of McCracken Hall. So many great angles and beautiful backgrounds.

The Sundial with McCracken Hall in the background

Conrad Formal Gardens 

One of the most stunning and underrated photo spots is the Conrad Formal Gardens on East Quad by the Marcum Center. With wandering stone paths, trees, flower beds, benches, and ponds, you could spend all day taking pictures. 

These ideas are just the tip of the iceberg of all the beautiful and picturesque areas of our campus. Truly, you can probably find some beauty in just about every building and corner of the campus. Have fun taking photos, and tag us on Instagram if you take any really good ones (@MiamiOH_StudentLife)!

The Formal Gardens

Grace Cooper

Categories: Life at Miami