Talk Poetry


2007. 978-1-881163-49-7 / 1-881163-49-0
$10.00 Bookshop | Amazon | Pathway

Talk Poetry is so hot. High bandwidth textblocks buzz with wonderful conversations. Verbal quadrats frame teeming diversifications. It’s just gorgeous. What do you think’s going to happen when a magnificent poet finds her perfect form? Don’t let this one slip through your fingers. Unmissable.”
—Randolph Healy

Reviews & Such

  • Read the review/interview by Sarah Sloat on the September 28, 2009 edition of readwritepoem.
  • “What Is A Cell Phone?” (poem in Talk Poetry featured in the September/October issue of The American Poetry Review. (Text available to subscribers only.)

About the Author

Mairéad Byrne’s previous publications include two poetry collections, SOS Poetry (/ubu Editions 2007), and Nelson & The Huruburu Bird (Wild Honey Press 2003); three chapbooks, An Educated Heart (Palm Press 2005), Vivas (Wild Honey Press 2005), and Kalends (Belladonna* 2005). She is an Associate Professor of English at Rhode Island School of Design in Providence. With Ian Davidson, she is the co-manager of the listserv British & Irish Poets. Before immigrating to the United States in 1994, she was a journalist, playwright, arts centre director, and teacher in Ireland.

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