Between Cup and Lip


2008. 978-1-4243-3110-9 / 1-4243-3110-2
$15.00 Bookshop | Amazon | Pathway

Between Cup and Lip is Peter Manson’s first American book publication. Containing 18 years of previously uncollected work, Between Cup and Lip forms the missing link between two collections published in Britain, For the Good of Liars (Barque, 2006) and Adjunct: An Undigest (Edinburgh Review, 2005), demonstrating the continuum between the prosodically-dense, endlessly considered poetry of the former and the procedural work of the latter.

Reviews & Such

  • Jeremy Noel-Tod mentioned Between Cup and Lip in his year-end review of poetry in the UK’s Daily Telegraph (11/29/08), saying the book “showcases Manson’s comic experimentalism through prose poetry, visual gags, translations and lyricism. ”
  • Hear Peter Manson read “Erratic Heater” from Between Cup and Lip here.
  • Ah more eh…oh oh’. In the light of Faraday’s candle Coleridge channels Loewenhoek and Whalen (I was thinking) as Peter Manson shakes the frayed carpet of culture and, as a fearless Duprat caddis fly larva, makes jewels from the motes. Even the bits of themselves the poems create make interesting shadows. ‘Groups of words which didn’t describe the image but which were it’. Yes. Wit, intelligence, a dispassionate view of self: plus images that are not words. Nothing to want for in this excellent book that moved my chitin heart.
    Tom Raworth
  • Peter Manson is the language veterinarian, elbow-deep in the mysterious interior of our discourse, groping intimately to clutch the dark beauty of its palpitating offals, approaching the apparatus of its speech-making from entirely the wrong direction. If every word was once an animal, then every animal was harmed in the making of this book.
    Chris Goode

About the Author

Peter Manson was born in Glasgow, Scotland in 1969. His books and pamphlets include me generation (Writers Forum, 1997), Adjunct: an Undigest (Edinburgh Review, 2005), Before and After Mallarmé (Survivors’ Press, 2005) and For the Good of Liars (Barque Press, 2006). An audio CD of extracts from Adjunct: an Undigest was released by Stem Recordings in 2004. He co-edits the Object Permanence pamphlet series with Robin Purves, and was the 2005-6 Judith E. Wilson Visiting Fellow in Poetry at the University of Cambridge. His website, “Freebase Accordion,” is at

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