Category Archives: Updates

February 16, 2018 Update

News of Note:

One of the things that is being considered is to have a cut-off date for using Banner 8 once a Banner 9 administrative module goes live.

The HR consultant will be on-site the week of Feb. 27.

Both Advancement and Financial Aid administrative modules have successfully transitioned to Banner 9.

University Registrar will provide Student module training for staff who have access to modify course schedule and student schedule.  This will occur near or post migration.  Again reminding all that this is to be accomplished through sharing of SOPs and will NOT include general Banner 9 navigation training.

Work completed:

  • Consultant for Finance module has been working with the team both on-site and remotely.
  • Navigation training of Student module for Registrar’s office was completed in January.

Plans for next reporting period (approximately two weeks):

  • Continue to review usability concerns with two Financial Aid forms.
  • The Finance training plan is being finalized with training scheduled to begin on Feb. 12.
  • Working with Ellucian on accessibility issues of SSB module.
  • HR testing is scheduled to begin Feb. 1 and continue into April. Training is scheduled for the final week of Feb.
  • Testing and updating documentation for Student module is ongoing and scheduled to last through the end of April 2018.
  • Student module for Admissions, Graduate School and Regionals is currently developing testing/training plans with help of an on-site consultant.

Upcoming Banner 9 Implementations:

  • The HR go-live date is now scheduled for May 18, 2018.
  • AR implementation will continue with testing and training of users through early April, with a go-live date scheduled for the week of April 10.
  • Finance module scheduled to go live in April 2018.
  • Student module scheduled to go live June 2018. (u.achieve users go live in Nov.)

Banner 9 project continues on course to success

The Banner 9 implementation project is continuing on schedule and under budget. There have been a few manageable hiccups along the way, but the project remains on track.

That progress can be seen in some of the milestones on the Administrative portions of Banner 9 that have been completed over the past few months. These include:

  • University Advancement has successfully transitioned to Banner 9.
  • Financial Aid briefly transitioned to Banner 9. As Financial Aid was going live, a major bug was discovered that had not been uncovered during testing. Miami is working with the vendor to implement a fix and Financial Aid plans to complete their transition to Banner 9 in January.
  • A major upgrade to our imaging solution (BDM Xtender) was completed at the end of October. This upgrade was required for the Banner 9 project but affected all users of the imaging system (including those still using Banner 8).
  • High-level Bursar staff completed Accounts Receivable (AR) training the first week of November, and testing has begun. The remainder of the Bursar staff will be trained in March and will transition to Banner 9 shortly thereafter.
  • HR has completed their testing and training plans and will resume work in February (after the end of year processing is complete).
  • From a technical perspective, all Banner 9 administrative modules have now been installed in Production and are waiting for their testing, training, and transition plans to be executed.

Looking forward, Finance will begin developing their testing and training plans in December. Plus, discussions are also beginning for testing and training planning for Registrar and Admissions.

We are also beginning to develop timelines and plans for implementing the Self-Service pieces of Banner 9 (formerly known as BannerWeb). These are the pieces used by the majority of staff, faculty, and students at Miami. Finance Self-Service will be the first of these components to be installed in Spring, 2018. The remaining Self-Service modules will be installed later in 2018 and into 2019.

First Banner 9 Modules to Go PROD on 9/1

The word milestone in large red lettersAfter many long months of planning and many long hours of behind-the-scenes work, the Banner 9 project is ready to hit its big first milestone. Four major Banner modules will be installed on their production server on Sept. 1. 

The Banner 9 Advancement, Banner Document Management System (BDMS), General, and Student modules have been tested in the development and test environments and it’s time to make the big step to production status.

Once the modules are installed, Advancement will spend the next ten-day period training and testing.  Advancement staff has been working with a consultant chosen for his specific expertise in this part of the Banner 9 environment. The training and testing will follow plans developed as part of that consultancy, marrying the Banner 9 knowledge with the insight into Miami business processes. This cooperative relationship was designed to result in the best use of the new system and to enable the Advancement staff to be as productive as possible.

The official “go live” date for the Advancement Banner 9 module is Sept. 11 and the team is looking forward to having that first major achievement under their belt. The successes and challenges of this engagement will inform the remaining work.

Next up is Financial Aid. Their consultant is already working with the Miami team, developing training and testing.

Update: 7/17

These Banner 9 modules have been created in Test

  • General
  • Advancement
  • Student
  • Banner Document Management System (resolving issues)
  • Accounts Receivable (in progress)

Production environment hardware installation should be complete today – 7/14. Software prep will begin next week.

Current activities:
  • Installed Advancement, BDMS, General, Student (baseline) modules
  • Testing/Training consultant starts on Monday, 7/17
  • Go Live scheduled for week of 9/11/2017

Financial Aid

  • Interviewing consultant now – start date around August 1
  • Go Live in either October or November
  • Mod re-engineering
  • Initial results look positive

4 mods have been or are in the process of being worked on

Developers are testing an application builder that may significantly reduce the time required to build some mods/standalone forms

Ethos Workflow evaluation and Integration Hub work continue

Scheduling conference calls with Ellucian Subject Matter Experts for each area to discuss mods vs baseline, new features in Banner 9 we could take advantage of, etc

Banner 9 Update: 4/10/17


  • Business analysts and client subject matter experts are in the final stages of reviewing mods to determine the appropriate disposition: retire, rewrite, keep with no change.
  • Preparing a presentation of the mods recommendations for the IT governance group, the CCIC (Continuous Improvement and Change Committee). This group owns the final decisions regarding the direction each mod will take
  • Began scheduling process for Mods Review with Ellucian


  • Received a statement of work (SOW) from a potential vendor (SIG) for Extension Training.


  • Received and applied feedback from committee and staff feedback on Charter


  • Continued breakdown of high-level timelines
  • Continued work on draft Communication Plan
  • Interviewed Application Architect candidates
  • Placed Action Item Log on Google for all team members to review/update

Plan for the Journey: March 27

Program manager, Frank Pahlke, was onsite the week of 3/27 and the core team focused on lots of project logistics. Here are some of the highlights:

  • Presented draft project charter to the Implementation Committee at its regular meeting.
  • Continued to plan training on the Ellucian Extension tool for IT Services developers.
  • High-level project timeline being broken down into more granular plans.
  • Mods are being reviewed by staff who use them and by IT developers. Each will be rated by its future state: retire, keep as is, or keep but rewrite. The core team is engaging Ellucian to review all mods that are to be kept to ensure plans align with best practices.
  • The project core team moved to their new project space in Boyd Hall.