Exciting news!
We keep moving forward and this coming MONDAY we have two things:
* New myMiami debuts on August 1 and will display new SSB9 features and functionality.
* SSB9 ePAFS will be available for users.
These are important milestones for enhanced service and functionality for the University. As we move closer to year-end, other features that will be made available in SSB9 will include:
- Attaching documents to journal vouchers
- W4 data collection
- Work Address Maintenance
- New Hire Benefits selections
- Registration
- ePromise
We welcome any questions or comments you may have on the various functions that will be available within SSB9.
SSB9 page access audit numbers module totals:
Employee: 5,910
Finance: 535
General: 877
Student Financial aid: 69,808
Selected SSB9 page access audit numbers:
/EmployeeSelfService/ssb/hrDashboard: 4,256
/EmployeeSelfService/ssb/laborRedistribution: 439
/BannerGeneralSsb/ssb/general: 406
/BannerGeneralSsb/ssb/personalInformation: 404
/StudentSelfService/ssb/financialAid: 56,259
REMINDER: EPAFs can only be submitted in SSB9 after July 31
As part of the BannerWeb 9 (SSB9) rollout, Electronic Personnel Action Forms (EPAFs) will no longer be processed in BannerWeb 8 after July 31, 2022. Beginning August 1, if you have access to EPAFs, the EPAF link will redirect you to the Employee Dashboard in SSB9. The EPAF link will be in the ‘My Activities’ area on the right-hand side. (If you would like a copy of the EPAF Instructions, please send an email to Banner9@MiamiOH.edu and request it.)
All EPAFs submitted after July 31 will use SSB9. If you submitted an EPAF in BannerWeb 8, and it is not through all approvals by July 31, it will be completed using SSB9 by the assigned approvers, and there will not be anything else that you need to do.
Although the look and feel for EPAFs in SSB9 is different, you will have the same options available to you as with BannerWeb 8, and the processing will be the same.