January 6 Project Update

Happy New Year!

Effort Reporting work continues. We have implemented in our development environment updates to a finance table that the vendor recommended. Once the test grants are set up, we can rerun the extract and assess the outcome.

BDM/JV – this was the final remaining piece of Finance functionality, and after two lengthy Zoom sessions this week with Ellucian Support I am happy to report it is working in production! In addition, the how-to videos are now all available in MiamiLearn.

Student, Registration, and Accounts Receivable – due to end-of-term processing and a defect in the vendor software, attention was diverted away from implementing these Banner 9 Self Service functions. Our testing and implementation work should resume next week.

As always, let us know if you have any questions about the new functionality and training available for Banner 9 Self Service.

2022 Banner 9 Self Service page access audit numbers module totals:

  • Employee: 86,662
  • Finance: 15,459
  • General: 49,191
  • Student Financial aid: 138,0972023

Self Service page access audit numbers module totals:

  • Employee: 9,035
  • Finance: 0
  • General: 3,143
  • Student Financial aid: 3,717