August 5 Project Update

This week has been BUSY in the SSB9 project world.

SSB8 ePAFs has been turned off. The link to the SSB9 ePAF process is available for use. It was a solid switch over with only a few access issues for end users, related to security configuration changes the vendor made between SSB8 and SSB9. All seems well for this newest go-live. Congratulations to the ePAF team for such a smooth transition. In particular, kudos go to Becky Sander and Sarah Persinger for their tremendous effort in getting this accomplished.

Behind the scenes, we’re moving forward with SSB9 solutions for Direct Deposit, W4 Address, Work Address, Benefits, attaching documents to JVs, ePromise, and communications.

We welcome any questions or comments you may have on the various functions that will be available within SSB9.

SSB9 page access audit numbers module totals:
Employee: 7,949 
Finance: 729   
General: 1,575    
Student Financial aid: 75,733

Selected SSB9 page access audit numbers:
/EmployeeSelfService/ssb/hrDashboard: 5,475
/EmployeeSelfService/ssb/laborRedistribution: 458
/BannerGeneralSsb/ssb/general: 740
/BannerGeneralSsb/ssb/personalInformation: 549
/StudentSelfService/ssb/financialAid: 60,887