Monthly Archives: October 2017

UPDATE: BDM upgrade postponed

The Banner Data Management production deployment originally scheduled for Friday, October 27 at 1 p.m. has been pushed back to a later date.

If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, please contact Dan Johnson at

Thank you!

BDM upgrade scheduled for Friday, October 27

Last week, access was granted to the new version of Banner Document Management (BDM 8.7). Here are some updates regarding the testing environment and deployment schedule:

  • The Banner team in IT Services is still working on getting the Print and Export processes up and running. Until these processes are fully functional, you will not be able to print entire documents; instead, you have to do screen prints of the documents. We’re working on getting these processes functional, but we believe that everything else is working in the BDM test environment.
  • Deploying the upgrade into the production environment is the next step. This upgrade will take place on Friday, October 27, at 1 p.m., meaning that BDM will be unavailable from 1 p.m. to around 6 p.m. on Friday.

Please contact Dan Johnson at with any concerns.

Financial Aid next in line to go live

Following on the heels of a successful implementation for Advancement, Financial Aid is the next office scheduled to go live with Production Banner 9. Tentatively, that is scheduled for early November.

During the implementation for Advancement, an issue was discovered with the way Banner 9 works in Microsoft Internet Explorer (IE). The project team is working on finalizing a new schedule that moves up the installation of BDM Xtender V8 to help with the IE issue.