Banner 9 Project Reaches Key Milestone

As of June 14, all of the Banner 9 Admin modules were being used in production. The last to go live was Student. So, even though the project has slowed down a bit, progress is continuing to be made both within IT Services and the various administrative offices.

Cake with white frosting and the words Miami Charts a Course for Banner 9

HR Banner 9 Celebration Cake

On June 1, Human Resources joined Finance (internal use) as the first two modules to move to exclusively using Banner 9. Banner 8 Finance for external users will be going away on Sept. 30. The cutoff dates for the rest of the Banner 8 modules are as follows:

  • Advancement: August 1
  • Financial Aid: September 15
  • Accounts Receivable: September 15
  • Student: December 31

As can be expected from the fact that Banner 8 is beginning to be eliminated, the Banner 9 adoption rate is growing rapidly. As of July 25, Finance (internal) and Human Resources were at 100%. The rest of the adoption rates can be seen below:

  • Financial Aid: 95%
  • Advancement: 93%
  • Accounts Receivable: 86%
  • Finance (external): 78%
  • Student: 47%

    Banner 9 Finance team including Priya Kodeboina, Mike Beck, Soundar Rajendran, David Shaefer and Quang Do

    Some of the Banner 9 Finance implementation team


The next major focus for the project team is the Self-Service modules. One area, Finance, is complete, but the others have a lot of work yet to go. For example, IT Services is currently working with Advancement on configuring and installing the General Event Management module.


Progress on the other Self-Service modules is mostly in a holding pattern.

  • Advancement: No Self-Service module available
  • Finance: To be installed in production sometime in October
  • Human Resources: Currently on hold
  • Student Registration: If accepted after testing, would go into production February, 2019
  • Accounts Receivable: Not available until 2019
  • Financial Aid: Not available until 2019
  • Attendance Tracking: Will be tested, but no plan to implement
  • Faculty Grade Entry: If accepted after testing, would go into production February, 2019
  • Student: If accepted after testing, would go into production February, 2019
  • Banner Student Advising: If accepted after testing, would go into production February, 2019

Please check for project updates when they become available.