February 16, 2018 Update

News of Note:

One of the things that is being considered is to have a cut-off date for using Banner 8 once a Banner 9 administrative module goes live.

The HR consultant will be on-site the week of Feb. 27.

Both Advancement and Financial Aid administrative modules have successfully transitioned to Banner 9.

University Registrar will provide Student module training for staff who have access to modify course schedule and student schedule.  This will occur near or post migration.  Again reminding all that this is to be accomplished through sharing of SOPs and will NOT include general Banner 9 navigation training.

Work completed:

  • Consultant for Finance module has been working with the team both on-site and remotely.
  • Navigation training of Student module for Registrar’s office was completed in January.

Plans for next reporting period (approximately two weeks):

  • Continue to review usability concerns with two Financial Aid forms.
  • The Finance training plan is being finalized with training scheduled to begin on Feb. 12.
  • Working with Ellucian on accessibility issues of SSB module.
  • HR testing is scheduled to begin Feb. 1 and continue into April. Training is scheduled for the final week of Feb.
  • Testing and updating documentation for Student module is ongoing and scheduled to last through the end of April 2018.
  • Student module for Admissions, Graduate School and Regionals is currently developing testing/training plans with help of an on-site consultant.

Upcoming Banner 9 Implementations:

  • The HR go-live date is now scheduled for May 18, 2018.
  • AR implementation will continue with testing and training of users through early April, with a go-live date scheduled for the week of April 10.
  • Finance module scheduled to go live in April 2018.
  • Student module scheduled to go live June 2018. (u.achieve users go live in Nov.)