Category: Canvas

Kaltura logo

Can I download a video that I added to Kaltura?

Yes, you can download a video that’s currently in your Kaltura My Media account. It’s a two-step process: enable downloading the video in its action settings, then downloading the video file.

Kaltura logo

How do students submit a video?

Students can upload and embed a video directly via Kaltura My Media in the textbox editor that appears in both Canvas discussions and assignments.

Canvas logo

How do I add video files to Canvas?

You should add all video files to your course through the My Media link in your course’s navigation menu. This allows you to upload your videos to Kaltura, Miami’s official video hosting platform, which is integrated with Canvas.

Canvas logo

Can I tell if students are watching videos in Canvas?

If you upload your videos to Kaltura, which appears as “My Media” in your course navigation menu, you’ll be able to see exactly which students viewed your video, how many times it was viewed, and the point at which they stopped watching.

Webex logo

How do I schedule Webex meetings for a class that has combined sections in Canvas?

If you teach multiple sections of the same course, combining them into one course in Canvas makes a lot of things easier—except scheduling Webex meetings for class sessions.

Google Workspace logo

How do I embed Google Docs, Slides, or Sheets in Canvas?

1. In your course, go to “Google Drive” on the left navigation. ​ 2. You will be prompted to authorize access to your Google account. 3. Then, go to the page, assignment, discussion, quiz, etc.. Go ahead and hit “Edit”. 4. In the rich content text editor, click the blue V-shaped icon (this represents “More…
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