
Canvas is a learning management system (LMS) that connects instructors and students to their online coursework. It’s used in online, hybrid, and even face-to-face classes.

There are a few ways to quickly and easily access Canvas. You can:

Or, you can click here:

Access Canvas

What can I do with Canvas?

Engage and Assess Your Students

Create and share course content using Assignments, Discussions, Modules, Quizzes, and Pages.

Keep Students Up-to-Date

Communicate course news and updates with students using Announcements as well as the Calendar and Syllabus.

Build a Learning Community

Foster a collaborative learning experience using Collaborations, Conferences, and Groups.

Make Grading Easier

Provide students with comprehensive feedback with SpeedGrader and manage grade reporting in the Canvas Gradebook.

How do I use Canvas?

Getting Started with Canvas

For an introduction into using or creating Canvas features like Assignments, Files, Pages, Quizzes, and more, self-enroll in our Canvas 101 training course. You’ll find step-by-step instructions, video tutorials, and links to additional resources.

Enroll in Canvas 101

Making the Most of Canvas

Leverage Canvas’ built-in features and various integrations to meet your teaching goals — whether that’s online, hybrid, or face-to-face. Foster peer-to-peer learning, incorporate multimedia, and easily track student progress. Build your instructor presence with self-produced videos, faculty-driven discussion, and substantive feedback.

In addition to our tech FAQs, Miami’s IT Knowledge Base, and the vendor’s rich Canvas Guides, dive deeper with Miami Online resources:

Explore our courses and guides

Find assets to customize your course

View upcoming trainings

Where can I learn more about Canvas?

Video Tutorials

Canvas offers a series of video tutorials to help instructors get started.


Canvas has made its Voluntary Product Accessibility Template (VPAT) available for review.

Text Tutorials

Explore the Canvas Instructor Guides for robust FAQS and how-tos.


Learn more about Instructure, the developers of Canvas, and their commitment to privacy.