DIY Courses

Ready to take your online course to the next level? Use our course development resources to learn more about the tools and pedagogical best-practices  for an exceptional course build.

Planning Templates

Utilizing course design templates to aid in the strategic planning of an online course can ensure timeless best practices are utilized and that your innovative ideas leap from the screen into the minds of the online learners.

Course Structure

The type of course you teach determines how best to structure it. Content-focused courses include many lecture-based segments and discussion-based components. Process-focused courses include activity-based instruction and experiential environments.

Outcomes & Alignment

Learning outcomes describe what learners will be able to do upon completion of a course or instructional module/unit. Alignment is the link between the stated learning outcomes (or objectives) and everything a learner is asked to complete inside the course.


Review the pedagogical considerations for designing assessments (formative and summative) that are effective and equitable measurements of learning outcomes.

Instructional Materials

In the course design and development process, collections of texts, OER materials, lectures, and multimedia segments are essential to support a students’ content mastery, conceptual understanding and demonstration of skills.

Interaction & Engagement

Identifying opportunities for interaction and engagement during course development can help you build a more robust and effective course that supports knowledge construction and critical thinking while cultivating self-efficacy and a sense of community.

Academic Rigor

Academic Rigor: What is it? Why is it important? Where do I start? Including examples and an academic rigor decision-making tool.