Free play week one

This week I played Rainbow six siege as my Freeplay. If I’d recommend this game to someone, I would recommend this game to my roommate Xin. It will be interesting to see how he reacts to the game based on a none experience fps player. However, the game basically is an fps game that each team will try their best to eliminate their opponent.

At the begging of the game, it’s been a while since I played the game, I cannot get used to the game control, but the longer I played, I become better at the game. I tried hard each round to eliminate every competition and defuse the bomb. It is hard for me to understand where to go and find a way out of the room.

I believe this game ties to leadership because a leader should always understand and come up with a plan that better fits the team. A leader should understand each team member’s skill to better give order to his/her teammates. So to better accelerate to reach the team goal is to understand each of the team members and it is important for the team leader to understand his/her team.