Does exercise make you happy? (Spoiler alert: Yes, but it may depend on why you are working out)

Does exercise make you happy?

Spoiler alert: Yes, but it may depend on why you are working out.

By: Julia Pangalangan, B.A., ACE Health Coach, CPT

How many times have you heard this phrase, “Exercise is for your mind, body, and soul..”? But what does that even mean?

Our society places an intense focus on exercising for the body. We are taught that exercise can help us achieve the impossible image standard that we desire. We all have also heard the crazy long list of the physical health benefits of exercise.  Very rarely are the mind and soul benefits of exercise brought to our attention, even though those may be the most significant to our well being.

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101 Years Old and Going Strong

I don’t know about you, but when I am 101 years old, I want to be doing exactly what Louise Hautau is doing!  Louise has been a member of the Miami Recreation since it opened in 1994 and has participated in morning water fitness classes for decades.  She still visits the Recreation Center two or three times a week even as she nears her 102nd birthday in April.

Her daughter Lucille, who is also a long standing member at the Rec, stated ‘swimming absolutely contributes to Mom’s good health.’  Louise’s exercise was put on hold in 2017 when she suffered a severe break in her neck.  Miraculously, she recovered enough to get in the pool where she can enjoy pain-free, weightless exercise.  She is able to utilize the chair lift in and out of the pool and then finishes her exercise with a hot tub soak.

Since moving to Oxford in 1959 the Hautau family has been swimming at Sawyer, Billings, and Phillips and now at our facility and we are so fortunate to have them as our members.  Louise is truly an inspiration to us all and makes us all want to take a swim!