German Two-Way Prepositions

an • auf • hinter • neben • über • unter • vor • zwischen

The following two-way prepositions are called Wechselpräpositionen in German (from the verb wechseln, to change). They’re accusative when they express motion/direction, and dative when they express only location:

DATIVE FORMS – Stationary position or motion within a confined space

an  =  at (an einem Ort  = at a place); on (an der Wand = on the wall), on (an jedem Sonntag = on every Sunday)

auf = concept of on top of something (auf See = at sea), (auf der Erde = on earth), (auf dem Platz = in the square), in (auf der Uni = at school), at (Das Thermometer steht auf 15° = The thermometer stands at 15°).

hinter = behind (hinter dem Haus = behind the house), (hinter jemanden stehen = stand behind someone)

neben = next to, beside (neben jemandem sitzen = sit next to someone)

in = in or inside of. (Google sieht die Liebe in unseren Herzen. = Google sees into the love located in our hearts

über = over, above (über jemandem wohnen = live above someone else), (10° über Null = 10° above zero)

unter = under (unter jemandem wohnen = live under someone), (Mengen unter 100 Stuck = items under a quantity of 100)

vor = in front of (200m vor der Abzweigung = 200m before the turn-off), before (fünf vor sieben = five minutes before seven o’clock), in front of (vor Zeugen = in front of witnesses)

zwischen = between (es liegt zwischen der Tür und dem Teppich = it’s lying between the door and the rug)

ACCUSATIVE FORMS – Motion towards a set goal, direction, or destination

an = to (etwas an jemanden schicken = send something to someone), on (etwas on etwas hängen = to hang something on something)

auf = on (auf einen Stuhl setzten = sit down on the stool), on (sich auf das Bett legen = lie down on the bed).

hinter = behind (hinter das Haus gehen = go behind the house), (etwas hinter sich bringen = get something done and over with)

neben = next to, beside (neben das Haus rennen = run next to  the house)

in = in or inside with an action verb. (Der Artz sieht in mein Herz = The doctor literally sees into my heart).;

über = over, across (über Karlsruhe nach Stuttgart = via Karlsruhe to Stuttgart), (über die Straße gehen = cross the street)

unter = unter, below (unter den Tisch = under the table), (unter Null sinken = drop below zero)

vor = in front of (keinen Schritt vor die Tür setzen = not set foot outside the door), to (er fuhr bis vor die Haustür = he drove right up to the front door)

zwischen = between (Rennen Sie zwischen die Haüser! = Run between the two houses)