Campus Cuisine

Life on campus brings interesting surprises sometimes… mostly in the form of cuisine that becomes “unique” to its institutions and academic palaces. Some of these I’ve experienced first-hand. Some of these have been contributed by others wanting to contribute to this growing list. So, if you’re reading this and have a unique campus culinary creation, let me know about it by E-mailing me!


Tuffy’s Toasted Roll

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Visitors to the campus quickly become aware that Miami is a University with many traditions. And one of those traditions is known as Tuffy’s! Tuffy was the nickname of Myron Timothy Potter, who came to Miami in 1921 as a freshman and never left. Working his way as a soda jerk in a local drug store and as a sandwich peddler on the street, Tuffy also decided to open up his own business. Tuffy’s Place opened in 1929 in a ground-floor nook of the nearby three-story Tallawanda Apartments, and Myron Timothy Potter soon became too busy to graduate. Despite the Great Depression and beyond, Tuffy’s Place was a popular campus gathering spot where generations of Miami students met for refreshment and socializing. This habit turned into nostalgia as Tuffy’s became a mecca for returning alumni until it closed in 1973. The standard fare included the usual Coke, coffee, hamburger and ice cream; but there was a mystique about Tuffy’s specialty: Toasted Rolls. Thousands agreed that nobody else knew just how to make rolls so tasty. To old and proven friends, Tuffy might confide that it was a combination of sugared rolls from a secret source, flavored with a special spread and warmed on a unique grill. Yet everyone still suspected he kept some secret in reserve because no home-toasted roll was quite as good, and few restaurants even tried. The Tuffy’s tradition is kept alive in Shriver Center’s specialty shop of the same name where dozens of Tuffy’s Toasted Rolls are still prepared and sold daily. The demand for Toasted Rolls during the annual Alumni Weekend keeps our in-house bakery busy around the clock!

Cheesy Clinton returns to Tuffy’s as late-night snack

By: Ben Garbarek
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The rumors are true: the Cheesy Clinton is back at Tuffy’s. After a brief hiatus, the renowned Cheesy Clinton is once again featured on the Tuffy’s menu for those looking for a late-night snack. The Cheesy Clinton disappeared after Tuffy’s closed as a late-night venue. According to Tina Rotundo, executive manager at Tuffy’s and Haines Food Court, the Cheesy Clinton was only offered as a “third shift item” and was a victim of the earlier closing times. For those unfamiliar with this Miami culinary tradition, a Cheesy Clinton consists of a slice of pizza placed in the middle of a grilled cheese sandwich. The Cheesy Clinton was created by a late-night manager at Tuffy’s in 2003. According to Ian Ballard and Dush Ratnayake, both student managers at Tuffy’s, an extremely intoxicated student, named John Clinton, attempted to order “a slice of sausage pizza and a grilled cheese,” however this student was slurring his words so badly that Vicky Curler, the manager that night, heard “a slice of sausage pizza in a grilled cheese.” Puzzled by this request, the manager gave the student his order and placed the slice of sausage pizza in between a grilled cheese sandwich. The student enjoyed this new creation so much that he continued to come to Tuffy’s and order this unique item. Gradually Clinton and his friends ordered this culinary masterpiece until it was dubbed the “Cheesy Clinton” and became a fixed item on the Tuffy’s menu. According to Ballard, the return of the Cheesy Clinton was spurred by comments during the past year of its departure and the number of students purchasing pizza and grilled cheese sandwiches in order to make a Cheesy Clinton on their own. “I completely stopped going to Shriver after they stopped making them,” said Pat Deignan, a Miami junior. “But now that it’s back, I’ll probably go back because it’s a good alternative to Bell Tower.” Other students shared the same sentiments. “I quit going to Tuffy’s to protest their earlier closing times,” said Josh Poling, a Miami junior, “but now that the Cheesy Clinton is back, there’s a good chance I’ll go more.” However the Cheesy Clinton isn’t the only new item at Tuffy’s. New this year at Tuffy’s are calzones, new cappuccino flavors and patty melts. The Cheesy Clinton is only served after 10:30 p.m. at Tuffy’s and Haines Food Court in the Shriver Center. Tuffy’s is now open from 7 a.m. until midnight daily and Haines Food Court is now open until 3 a.m. Wednesday through Sunday. Cheesy Clintons are priced starting at $3.16 for a slice of cheese pizza in a grilled cheese. For those seeking other pizza toppings, a Cheesy Clinton with these extra toppings will be priced at the cost that slice of pizza plus a grilled cheese sandwich.


Sesquicentennial ice cream at Dairy Store

By Jennifer Toland
The State News
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The MSU Dairy Store has found its own way to celebrate the 150th birthday of MSU – by creating a new sesquicentennial flavor of ice cream. MSU President Lou Anna K. Simon came up with the idea for the ice cream and said that Sue Carter, secretary to the MSU Board of Trustees, identified the specific flavor of cake batter ice cream with a frosting swirl. “We wanted something that people could use when they came to campus through the (MSU) Dairy Store, that was affordable and could be used in a lot of events,” Simon said. “The (MSU) Dairy Store being an important part of what people remember when they come back to Michigan State, it seemed like ice cream was a good choice.” The Kellogg Center and the MSU Dairy Store will be selling the ice cream for the next year. John Engstrom, dairy plant manager, said the ice cream has been a big hit so far and is unique to MSU. “Everyone has cake batter ice cream, that is nothing unusual,” Engstrom said. “But the green frosting is ours.” The ice cream has been used by various student groups in residence halls, the Kellogg Center and the Union for a variety of events, Simon said. She said that ice cream can be easily served, which is one of the reasons they chose to commemorate the anniversary with the dessert. Since the flavor’s debut in the MSU Dairy Store about one month ago, many students have come in looking for it, said Becky Ryan, an animal science junior who has worked at the MSU Dairy Store for a year and a half. Lauren Dean, an elementary education senior and employee coordinator of the store, said a lot of students have been talking about the ice cream and word about it has gotten around. “We had been talking about it for a while and thought it would be fun,” Dean said.