Daniel E. Meyers
Accomplished educational technology professional with experience in implementing cutting-edge technologies into foreign language curriculum and pedagogy. Excellent vision in implementing technology into the bigger picture of education and leading students to a future where they are prepared to take on the world with the tools they will encounter in their work, social, and professional lives. Experienced, engaged, and highly skilled in both the American and German speaking world, facilitating and guiding students whose primary language is German in the American business experience. Experienced in all aspects of educational edministration, budget analysis, collaborative teamwork, supervising staff, and making the most of the resources available in the workplace. Specialties: Implementing technologies into the language learning pedagogy and curriculum, German language and culture, Academic Administration, Academic Exchange Program Administration
Bowling Green State University, Bowling Green, Ohio
Master of Arts in German, December 1994
Thesis: “Coming to Terms with a Fascist Past – Josef Haslinger’s Criticism of Austria in his Book Politik der Gefühle: Ein Essay über Österreich”
Heidelberg College, Tiffin, Ohio
Bachelor of Arts in German and Music, May 1992
Coursework emphasis: 20th Century German Culture, Music Performance in Piano, and Electronic-assisted Analog Composition
Study Abroad
Paris Lodron Universität Salzburg, Austria
Germanistik und Amerikanistik
August 1992 – July 1993
Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg, Germany
Deutsch als Fremdsprache
January – May 1991
Miami University
Oxford, Ohio
Director of Interactive Language Resource Center
August 1998 – Present
- Heads daily operations of the Language Resource Center and its related facilities.
- Manages a staff of four to eight undergraduate and two graduate students.
- Serves as a liaison to several organizations within Miami University: The College of Arts and Science; The Graduate School; The College of Education, Health, and Society; Information Technology Services; The Department of French, Italian and Classical Studies; the Department of German, Russian, Asian, and Middle Eastern Languages & Cultures; and the Department of Spanish & Portuguese.
- Serves as a team participant in college-wide benchmarking initiatives, administrative restructurings, departmental candidate interviews, bulk purchase initiatives, and technical services groups.
- Headed several major facility renovations in excess of $85,000. Awarded funding for the development and maintenance of the ILRC Online—various server systems for the broadcast and distribution of foreign language learning materials, video, and audio via the Internet.
- Serves as liaison and proctor for Language Placement Testing, SPEAK testing, Oral Proficiency Interviews, and Written Proficiency Testing.
- Oversees several computer classrooms within the ILRC and maintains software and hardware updates, consistency, purchases, and deployment.
- Served on committees appointed by the university provost, such as employment searches for department chairs and for the Dean of the College of Arts and Science.
- Maintains the website for the Interactive Language Resource Center and assists language departments with the contemporaneity and accuracy of their websites.
- Maintains the hardware and software for Macintosh and Windows classrooms used by language departments.
- Provides Windows, Linux, and Macintosh technical support for faculty and staff in the language departments—as well as for colleagues and divisional technical support representatives in the College of Arts and Sciences.
- Leads lab facilities orientations for new faculty and graduate students each semester.
- Instructs individual faculty and staff in new computer software applications and administrative procedures relating to course management and learning platforms of Miami University (e.g. Blackboard, Sakai, Niihka, and Canvas).
- Leads various focus workshops and small group discussions on topics related to integrating technology into foreign language pedagogy.
- Developed computer-assisted language learning applications and associated administrative computing solutions for faculty and staff in the Department of French, Italian and Classical Studies; the Department of German, Russian, Asian, and Middle Eastern Languages & Cultures; and the Department of Spanish & Portuguese.
College of Arts and Science Information Technology Specialist
July 2020 – Present
- Provides on-site assist for faculty & staff in CAS departments using technology in instruction, research and administration.
- Provides assist with installation and maintenance of computer hardware and software systems.
- Responsible for troubleshooting all desk-side issues within computer labs & offices.
- Diagnose and remediate current and legacy operating systems, software, hardware, printers, networking and peripherals
- Administer, maintain, monitor computer-teaching labs.
- Maintain current operating systems, software, hardware, printers, networking and peripherals.
- Prepare and redistribute IT assets with discipline specific customization.
- Consult with faculty, staff and students to determine current and future IT needs.
- Participate in meetings, call tracking, and recycling IT assets
Assistant to First-Year Summer Orientation
July 1999 – Present
- Works with the Advising Office of the College of Arts and Science with language placement testing procedures and policies.
- Assists and administers placement testing for incoming first-year students enrolled in the College of Arts and Science.
- Compiles placement results for students and the staff in the Advising Office.
- Assists sophomores through seniors with the taking and retaking of placement tests during the academic year.
Test Proctor for Oral Proficiency Interviews and Written Proficiency Examinations
August 2011 – Present
- Assists the College of Arts and Science and the School of Education in administering Oral Proficiency Interviews (telephone and computer-based) and Writing Proficiency Tests published by LTI (Language Teaching International) the sole ACTFL (American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages) licensee.
- Ensures that each student administered the test has a valid test before they leave the testing area.
- Complies with LTI and ACTFL requirements regarding the administration and dissemination of tests.
Test Proctor for SPEAK Testing
August 2000 – December 2020
- Assisted the Graduate School in administering SPEAK tests.
- Ensured that each student taking the test had a valid result and assisted when questions or problems arose.
- Compressed each audio recording and sent the test submissions for assessment.
Computer Technical Support Volunteer
August 1998 – July 2020
- Provided selective technical support for the users of university computers, particularly in the areas of language support.
- Served as a first line of defense for the troubleshooting of problems for faculty machines in the language departments.
- Escalated as needed to College IT Services, but often provided in-depth assistance in order to provide faculty with maximum uptime.
Director of the Austrian Summer Scholars Program
July 2004 – December 2012
- Assisted in the academic development of 26-30 Austrians from the Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien (University of Economics in Vienna, Austria).
- Directed several cultural and business (instructional) excursions for each of the visiting scholars. Serves as the representative for the program when arranging business visits to corporations such as Proctor & Gamble and Honda, as well as to related sites such as the Chicago Board of Trade.
- Responsible for all financial, administrative, technical, medical, and academic transactions between Miami University and the Austrians.
- Supervised assistants in terms of the unfolding needs of the Austrian students.
- Headed the behind-the-scenes preparation of the scholars’ interaction with Miami University’s administration and facilities.
- Advertised the program to Austrian students, in conjunction with their student representatives.
- Arranged housing and dining requirements for the group while in the USA.
- Arranged and managed travel and transportation requirements.
- Enrolled students into courses taught at Miami during summer sessions, serving as the liaison between the students and the faculty.
- Finalized, adjusted, and coordinated the program budget.
- Administered the certification of the program for academic credit in Vienna, in terms of Miami University’s role.
CALICO (Computer Assisted Language Instruction Consortium)
Texas State University, San Marcos, Texas
Conference Technical Associate
August 2001 – Present
- Assists and advises the CALICO Board of Director vis-à-vis technical needs and organizational plans for conferences at national universities and colleges.
- Accompanies the Board of Directors on site visits to potential conference sites.
- Assists host technical assistants in the preparation, distribution, and implementation of technologies during annual conferences.
- Develops and maintains the online mobile conference application for conference participants.
- Works with conference hosts vis-à-vis procuring equipment tutorials and guides for equipment housed in host rooms. Creates the tutorial for student volunteers and host workers.
- Serves as liaison between CALICO participants and the host conference institution—a firewall between them to mitigate potential problems with quickly-formulated solutions.
- During the conference—checks every workshop, panel, and presentation for last-minute problems and coordinates with the host institution to solve outstanding issues.
The University of Toledo
Toledo, Ohio
Director of Foreign Language Laboratory
September 1994 – August 1998.
- Headed daily operations of a Language Resource Center and its related facilities.
- Managed a staff of eight undergraduate students.
- Reported to the Chair of the Foreign Language Department.
- Created and maintained the Foreign Language Department WWW Server, including with hand-coded HTML and updated information through remote access WWW and ACGI interfaces.
- Provided Windows and Macintosh technical support for faculty and staff in the department as well as for colleagues in the College of Arts and Sciences.
- Maintained and expanded a networked computing laboratory via providing network, hardware, and software support for faculty, staff, and students.
- Provided AppleTalk and Windows 95 network support for the Foreign Language Department.
- Acted as liaison between the Department of Information Technology and the Department of Foreign Languages.
- Led tutorials and weekend learning sessions for faculty in the use of new software and hardware.
Guest Lecturer
September 1994 – August 1998.
- “Collegiate Computing and Campus Internet Usage,” ARS100 – First Year UT, November 1996.
- Instructed in various German and Austrian cultural topics within the Department of Foreign Languages—whenever instructors had conference obligations or emergency situations: GER111, GER112 – Elementary German, September 1994 – August 1998.
- Workshop and Orientation Leader, September 1994 – August 1998.
- Assisted in the Department’s annual Foreign Language Day—assisting and instructing students, grading placement tests, and providing general supervision for awards ceremonies for approximately three hundred high school-age visitors.
- Instructed students and faculty within the Department of Foreign Languages in topics ranging from the learning of specific computer programs to lab usages.
- Led various computer instruction seminars for different technology presentation conferences within the College of Arts and Sciences.
- Led various computer instruction seminars for the First-Year UT student orientation program.
Bowling Green State University
Bowling Green, Ohio
Macintosh Computer Specialist in the Department of German
August 1993 – August 1994.
- Provided instruction and help to graduate students, faculty, and staff members wishing to learn about Macintosh computers.
- Provided data and technical support for graduate students and the acting chair of the German Department.
Graduate Assistant Instructor
January 1994 – May 1994.
- Instructed students beginning their study of the German language at Bowling Green State University.
- Provided instruction based on the Proficiency-Oriented Teaching methods as developed by Alice Omaggio.
- Provided a pedagogical classroom emphasis pertaining to the basics of listening, speaking, reading, writing, and cultural awareness vis-à-vis the German language.
Graduate Assistant to Foreign Language Lab
August 1993 – December 1993 and summer 1994.
- Served as the graduate assistant to the language lab director, helping and instructing six hundred students weekly.
- Processed requests for eight language departments as well as individual students’ requests.
- Directed the auxiliary language lab classroom as needed.
- AYA Program Assistant, August 1992 – July 1993
- Tutored undergraduate American students in Geography and Eastern European Politics under the Department of Political Science at the University of Salzburg, Austria.
Heidelberg College
Tiffin, Ohio
Undergraduate Assistant to the Chair of Foreign Languages
August 1988 – May 1992.
- Created a foreign language resource center for students studying German—and for German students learning English.
- Incorporated PRIME/9955 mainframe terminals and Macintosh computers into the resource center.
- Assisted with the media transference of publications and recordings to the computer data and cassette formats.
Human Research – Humans as Subjects IRB Basic Course
CITI Program, A Division of BRANY
January 2021 to January 2024
Record 39740496
Verification: http://www.citiprogram.org/verify/?wabfa0873-b392-4f5f-91d1-450c3a4425ee-39740496
Human Research – IT Technology Personnel
CITI Program, A Division of BRANY
January 2021 to January 2024
Record 39731340
Verification: http://www.citiprogram.org/verify/?wd2229a9c-20b6-4b19-9a9d-491a98ac2f3b-39731340
Academic Advising Level A Status
Miami University, Oxford, Ohio
February 2018 – Present
Verification: https://miamioh.instructure.com/courses/1283/assignments/668420/submissions/2253
- —. Pictures & Clickers & Plickers. 45-Minute Workshop. Center for Language Studies. Brown University. February 2016.
- Mumford, Jacqueline and —. Designing Courses so “Quality Matters.” 20-Minute Presentation. 2011 Computer Assisted Language Instruction Consortium Annual Conference. University of Victoria, British Columbia. May 2011.
- Mumford, Jacqueline and —. Seven Simple Solutions for Shoestring Budgets: Effective High Tech Options for Integrating Technology Without Large Price Tags. Virtual Paper. Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education. ED-MEDIA 2009 – World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia and Telecommunications. Honolulu, Hawai’i. June 2009.
- —. Aya ceeki – The Language Revitalization of Myaamiaki. 45-Minute Presentation. 2003 International Association of Language Learning Technologies Bi-Annual Conference. University of Michigan. June 2003.
- de Luce, Judith and —. The VRoma and Virtual Sculpture Gallery Projects. 45 Minute Presentation. 2002 MWALL Annual Conference. University of Michigan. May 2002.
Acknowledgment within Publications
- Ziolkowski, Margaret. Rivers in Russian literature. Newark: University of Delaware Press, 2020. Print.
- Ziolkowski, Eric. The Bible in folklore worldwide. Vol. I: A handbook of biblical reception in Jewish, European Christian, and Islamic folklores. Berlin: Walter de Gruyter & Co, 2016. P.246.
- Hayes, Evan and Stephen A. Nimis. Lucian’s a true story : an intermediate Greek reader. Ohio: Stephen Nimis. 2011
- Sanders, Ruth. German: Biography of a Language. New York: Oxford University Press, USA. 2010
- Sutcliffe, Benjamin. The Prose of Life: Russian Women Writers from Khrushchev to Putin. Madison: University of Wisconsin Press. 2009
- Jeep, John. Medieval Germany. New York: Garland Pub. 2001
Professional Associations
- ACTFL – American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages. April 2012 – Present.
- CALICO – Computer Assisted Language Instruction Consortium. August 1998 – Present.
- IALLT – International Association of Language Learning Technologies. December 1997 –Present.
- MWALL – Midwest Association of Language Laboratories. December 1994 –December 2004.
Master of Arts, German
Bowling Green State University
- EDFI 684 – Directed Readings in Educational Psychology
- GERM 516 – Contemporary Austria
- GERM 517 – Advanced Composition and Conversation I
- GERM 517 – Advanced Composition and Conversation II
- GERM 582 – Advanced Language Lab I
- GERM 582 – Advanced Language Lab II
- GERM 582 – Modern Austrian Literature
- GERM 601 – Graduate Study in German
- GERM 603 – Translation German – English
- GERM 604 – Translation English – German
- GERM 624 – German Classicism
- GERM 670 – Teaching College German I
- GERM 670 – Teaching College German II
- GERM 682 – Linguistics
- GERM 682 – Literature Survey to 1550
- GERM 682 – Literature Survey 1550-1830
- GERM 682 – Literature Survey 1830-1890
- GERM 682 – Literature Survey 1890-Present
- GERM 685 – Directed Readings in German
- GERM 699 – Thesis Research
- GRAD 600 – Workshop Instruction Higher Education
Bachelor’s Degree, German and Music
Heidelberg College
- CHM 201 – Organic Chemistry I
- CHM 202 – Organic Chemistry II
- CPS 100 – Introduction to Computers
- ENG 303 – Technical Writing
- GER 301 – Advanced German I
- GER 302 – Advanced German II
- GER 306 – German Guided Study
- GER 317 – German Civilization I
- GER 318 – German Civilization II
- GER 300 – Exercises in German Grammar/Writing/Reading
- GER 300 – German Literature: Sturm und Drang
- GER 300 – Intonation and Pronunciation
- GER 300 – Problems in Contemporary German Society
- GER 300 – Society and Culture in Contemporary Germany
- GER 417 – Periods of German Literature I
- GER 418 – Periods of German Literature II
- GER 451 – German Colloquium I
- GER 452 – German Colloquium II
- MTH 110 – Elementary Statistics
- MTH 222 – Calculus I
- MTH 223 – Calculus II
- MUS 100 – Concert Choir
- MUS 125 – Piano I
- MUS 126 – Piano II
- MUS 127 – Organ I
- MUS 128 – Organ II
- MUS 135 – Integrated Music Theory I
- MUS 136 – Integrated Music Theory II
- MUS 147 – Music Literature
- MUS 183 – Composition I
- MUS 184 – Composition II
- MUS 200 – Concert Choir
- MUS 225 – Piano III
- MUS 226 – Piano IV
- MUS 227 – Organ III
- MUS 228 – Organ IV
- MUS 247 – Music History I
- MUS 248 – Music History II
- MUS 283 – Composition III
- MUS 284 – Composition IV
- MUS 300 – Concert Choir
- MUS 325 – Piano V
- MUS 329- Care and Repair of Instruments I
- MUS 330 – Care and Repair of Instruments II
- MUS 395 – Seminar – Syntauri
- MUS 400 – Concert Choir
- MUS 450 – Chamber Singers
- MUS 499 – Senior Recital
- PHY 101 – General Physics I
- PHY 102 – General Physics II
- PHY 172 – Introduction to Astronomy
- POL 231 – Selected Topics – European Union
Honors and Awards
- Performance Resulting In Distinguished Excellence Award, Miami University, December 2015
- Performance Resulting In Distinguished Excellence Award, Miami University, September 2014
- Performance Resulting In Distinguished Excellence Award, Miami University, September 2013
- Young Alumni Achievement Award Recipient. Heidelberg University. October 2007.
- Apple Computer, Inc. Profile in Success recipient. ILRC Facilities at Miami University originally featured on Apple’s Higher Education web site at http://www.apple.com/education/ profiles/miami/. December 2002.
- Faculty Recognition Award Recipient. Pepper Chapter of National Mortar Board Honor Society. The University of Toledo, Toledo, Ohio. November 1997.
- Outstanding Professional Staff Association Award Recipient. The University of Toledo, Toledo, Ohio. August 1997.
- Outstanding Advisor Award Nominee. The University of Toledo, Toledo, Ohio. June 1997.
- World Wide Web Site mentioned in the CALICO Journal published by Duke University, September 1996.
- Apple Computer Best Web Site Runner-Up competition award, The University of Toledo, 1996.
- Netopia Excellence Award for World Wide Web page development at The University of Toledo, 1996.
- Magellan Three-Star Award for World Wide Web page development at The University of Toledo, 1996.
- Delta Phi Alpha German Honorary, 1990.
- English (Native or bilingual proficiency)
- German (Professional working proficiency)
Skills & Expertise
- Academic Administration
- Academic Advising
- Business Performance Management
- Classroom
- Creativity Skills
- Critical Thinking
- Curriculum Design
- Curriculum Development
- Customer Service
- Determination
- Distance Learning
- E-Learning
- Educational Technology
- Effective Listening
- Exchange Programs
- Foreign Languages
- German
- Higher Education
- Instructional Technology
- Interactive Learning
- Intercultural Communication
- International Education
- Interpersonal Communication Abilities
- Language Development
- Language Skills
- Language Teaching
- Leadership
- Learning Quickly
- Macintosh Applications
- Macintosh OS X
- Multi Tasking
- Negotiation
- Organization & prioritization skills
- Patience
- Problem Solving
- Professional Ethics
- Professional Responsibility
- Public Speaking
- Reliability
- Strategic Thinking
- Teacher Training
- Teaching
- Teamwork
- Technical Support
- Time Management
- Timely Decision Making
- Troubleshooting
- Written & Verbal Communication Abilities
- Myaamia Language Reclamation
- Computer Assisted Language Instruction
- astrophilology (astronomy)
- ailurophilology (cats)
- clinophilology, (reclining, lying in bed)
- photophilology (light)
- chionophilology (cold weather, snow)
- pluviophilology (rain)
- ceraunophilology (lightning and thunder)
- pistoriophilology (baked goods)