C53-P: Associations Among Prescription Medication Use, Depressive Symptoms, and Physical Activity in Older Adults

Prescription medication use and polypharmacy (use of multiple medications to treat one ailment) have nearly doubled over the past two decades. Literature indicates that individuals who are depressed spend more time participating in sedentary behavior and individuals with polypharmacy are at higher risk of becoming depressed. Studies examining the relationship between the three variables (prescription […]

C54-P: Risky Behaviors and Drinking Habits Among ROTC Students, Student-Athletes, and Students with Merit Scholarships

Binge drinking (a male drinking 5 or more drinks in one setting and a female drinking 4 or more drinks in one setting) has become very common in young adults that go to a 4-year college. Binge drinking is linked to higher levels of injuries, sexual and physical assaults, higher criminal activity, unprotected sex, missing […]

C45-P: The Role of Social Support on Mental Health of Bhutanese Refugees in Ohio

This research focuses on the mental health of Bhutanese refugees. The specific research objective was to explore the association between social support and mental health conditions among the Bhutanese refugee community in Columbus Ohio. Interviews were conducted with 200 resettled Bhutanese refugees using convenience and snow-ball sampling methods. Participants were asked questions adapted from the […]

C56-P: The Relationship Between Race and Alcohol Consumption in College Students’ Social Networks

Alcohol consumption is a problem among college students. Annually, 1,800 students age 18 to 24, die due to alcohol related injuries and accidents (Hingson et al., 2009). Recently, rates of alcohol consumption have increased among college students (Schulenberg et al., 2019). Among college students, research has shown that a person’s peer group is one of […]

B48-P: The Interplay of Music and Alcohol in Regulating College Students’ Mood

Alcohol is a public health concern across university campuses and is known to regulate individuals’ mood. It has been evidenced that alcohol’s impact on mood yields negative consequences such as impaired judgment and an increase in drinking to cope. Drinking to cope is very common among college students and has been shown to increase one’s […]

B50-P: The Relationship Between Feelings of Discrimination, Binge Drinking, and Suicidal Ideation Among Minority College Students

Previous research has found a relationship between discrimination and negative health outcomes, particularly pertaining to mental health, among sexual minorities. It has been found that sexual minorities have higher rates of suicidal ideation than non-minority college students. Suicidal ideation refers to an individual’s thoughts, plans, or considerations of taking one’s life. Heavy drinking also continues […]

B04-P: Exploring the Physiological & Perceptual Responses to the Fusion of Aerobic & Resistance Exercise in a Single Workout

The Center for Disease Control and Prevention’s Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion (USDHHS) has stated that an unsettling 82% of adults do not get the recommended amount of physical activity to improve health and well-being. Additionally, one of the goals for Healthy People 2020 urges individuals to increase muscle-strengthening activity and incorporate this […]

A79: Exploring the Physiological & Perceptual Responses to the Fusion of Aerobic & Resistance Exercise in a Single Workout

The Center for Disease Control and Prevention’s Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion (USDHHS) has stated that an unsettling 82% of adults do not get the recommended amount of physical activity to improve health and well-being. Additionally, one of the goals for Healthy People 2020 urges individuals to increase muscle-strengthening activity and incorporate this […]

C49: Alleviating Hunger Close to Home: An Innovative Solution to Food Insecurity in Butler County

This poster reviews prevalence, risk factors, and health consequences of food insecurity and proposes a solution to fill a gap in Oxford’s food insecurity services. This solution is inspired by proposals presented by students at the 2020 Social Innovation Weekend where students worked in teams to understand food insecurity and develop solutions. Food insecurity impacts […]

A49: The Characteristics of Effective Mental Wellbeing Initiatives to Aid Teacher Induction in Urban Schools: A Review of the Literature

Teachers in urban school districts report lower states of mental wellbeing and self-efficacy compared to their suburban and rural counterparts. Poor mental wellbeing is notably pervasive among induction year teachers, defined as those in their first two or three years of teaching, which is frequently cited as a driving force behind high turnover in urban […]

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