B57: Validating an LED-based Spectrofluorimeter System for Monitoring Cellular Metabolic Response in Tissue-like Environments

Cellular metabolism represents all the series of reactions in a cell that take place in order for the cell to survive. Tissue-like environments simulate a shared network of cells by introducing different forms of turbid media to a cell solution to simulate a real-life environment. Autofluorescence is a method for analyzing metabolic response in biological […]

B56: Sensing Cellular Metabolism in Turbid Media Using Spectral Phasor Analysis on Uv-excited Autofluorescence

Reduced nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NADH) and nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate (NADPH) are metabolic cofactors playing significant, distinct roles in cellular metabolism primarily involving cellular respiration and maintaining antioxidant defenses, respectively. Signals from NADH and NADPH are a significant component of cellular autofluorescence and are useful for metabolic sensing. For in vivo sensing of tissues, challenges […]

B59: What is the connection between Misuse of ADHD Medications and Drinking Habits Amongst College Students?

One in 6 students in college misuse stimulant ADHD medications. Prescription stimulants and ADHD diagnoses are on the rise, yet many students use these medications even if they are not diagnosed. ADHD stimulant medications can intensify alcohol effects, however, it is unknown the correlation between being diagnosed with ADHD, taking stimulant medications, and types of […]

B60: COVID-19, Social Interactions, and College Drinking. An Analysis on Drinking Trends

Alcohol abuse is a continuous problem in the US, and those effects are amplified by the global pandemic in COVID-19. The COVID-19 pandemic affected drinking culture in limiting social interactions between others. Before continuing, social isolation needs to be defined and is defined as complete (or near complete) lack of contact between an individual and […]

B61: How Confidence in the Efficacy of the Covid-19 Vaccine Effects the Drinking Behaviors of College-Aged Individuals

Alcohol remains a public health problem among college-aged individuals, sustained even throughout the coronavirus pandemic that has affected these recent years. The pandemic has shaped the social and political landscape and affected our belief in our own safety in typical social situations as well as the safety of preventative measures such as masking up or […]

B62: Tiers of Influence: Perceived Sorority Rankings and their Relations with Body Image and Drinking Behaviors

Among colleges nationwide there is an alarming relationship between membership in Greek social organizations, body image, and drinking behavior. Recent research indicates that women in sororities have higher odds of developing eating disorders and eating disorder symptoms than their non-sorority member peers. Even further, “as many as 47% of those residing in a Greek house […]

B63: Academic Burnout Among College Students and its Relationship with Alcohol-Induced Blackouts

Approximately, 71% of college students experience academic burnout symptoms during their college career (George Citrone, 2021). Burnout is a feeling of mental, physical, and emotional exhaustion due to the perception of high levels of stress. Burnout is an issue that affects many students and relates to excessive drinking. Blacking out is defined as a period […]

B64: How Has FoMO and Peer Pressure Surrounding Drinking Changed From Before Covid-19 To Now?

College-aged students that experience FoMO tend to drink more drinks in a drinking session than students that experience less FoMO. FoMO (fear of missing out) is related to alcohol use. Not only did the amount of drinks per session increase for the participants that experienced more FoMO, “those more likely to ‘fear missing out’ reported […]

B65: The Monitoring of Ethology Through Environments and Enrichment: Analyzing the Human Perception of Captive Animals

Over the span of a year, I explored the ideologies that have been held throughout generations about captive animals. I was seeking to answer the question: How does keeping animals in captivity versus letting them remain in the wild alter our perception of non-human species’ intelligence, morality, and welfare necessities? This is important to study […]

B66: Influence of Hip Hop Music on Andes Subculture in Bolivia

Throughout history, our world has been plagued by the infiltration of racism, injustices, and discrimination towards various subsets of cultures. Bolivia is home to 36 indigenous cultures who have suffered a history of these discriminations. Our research was aimed at investigating the ways that HipHop music produced by indigenous artists has shaped growth and prospectively […]

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