How do I cross-list sections in Canvas?

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Step 1: Identify the primary (or “parent”) course’s ID.

Navigate to the Canvas course you want as the primary/parent section (e.g., ABC101 A) — you’ll cross-list the other course sections to this section. Once in the course, copy the numbers at the end of the URL, e.g.,

In this example, the course number is 170772; copy only that number into the clipboard.

Step 2: Go to the secondary course section(s).

After you’ve copied the number in the primary section’s URL, navigate to the next course section you want to cross-list. Once there, go to Settings in the course navigation menu, then select the Sections tab on the settings page.

Click the section title

Underneath Course Sections, click the hyperlinked course section, e.g., CSE262 C. Canvas will take you to another page that lists that specific section’s roster. There are additional options on this page; select the Cross-List This Section button.

Select the Cross-List this Section button

A pop-up will ask you to search for the course or enter the course’s ID. Paste the course ID you copied from the primary course’s URL, and then press Enter/Return on your keyboard. The details of the primary course will appear under Selected Course. Click the “Cross-List This Section” button to complete.

Paste the course ID

Repeat for additional sections using the same course ID from the primary course URL.

Note that the course title might not change until the back-end updates overnight.