OhioView Workshop

The second day of the OhioView Presents: Online and Open Source GIS and Remote Sensing workshop is coming up on Friday, February 24, 2023, and this email is an invite for you to attend.

This is a free workshop with no registration fee and will be held entirely on Zoom.  The workshop sessions will start at 9:00am (EST) and the workshop will finish by 1:30pm.

If you weren’t able to make it for the first workshop back on February 10, don’t worry as this workshop will cover all new and different topics separate from the first day (i.e. you didn’t have to attend that workshop to attend this one).

Topics for the February 24 workshop (and their suggested background level) are as follows:

  • 9:10 – 10:30am:  Comparison of Multispectral and Hyperspectral Classification with Multispec and QGIS (Advanced Level Session).  Led by Dr. Joseph Ortiz and Mr. Mac Woodman from Kent State University.  This session will explain how to apply a simple unsupervised classification to an image at hyperspectral resolution and to the same image resampled to multispectral resolution to compare results to show the advantages of enhanced spectral resolution.
  • 10:45am – 12:00pm:  Thermal remote sensing of urban heat islands using Google Earth Engine and GLOBE (Intermediate Level Session)  Led by Dr. Kevin Czajkowski and Tahmineh Ladi from University of Toledo.  This session will look at using Google Earth Engine to examine thermal imagery.
  • 12:15pm – 1:30pm:  NASA SeaDAS for water quality issues (Intermediate Level Session).  Led by Dr. Anita Simic Milas, Mr. Mir Alam, and Mr. David Olatunj from Bowling Green State University.  In this session you’ll work with the free NASA SeaDAS, a comprehensive software package for the processing, display, analysis, and quality control of ocean color data.

You’ll be provided all of the workshop materials and data for free, although you’ll have to download and install the free software used in the sessions (Multispec, QGIS, and SeaDAS) prior to the workshop on your own computer and also download the free GLOBE Observer app for your phone as well as obtain a free Google Earth Engine account to use.

Registration for the workshop will close at noon on Tuesday, February 21, 2023.  Though the workshop is free, seats are limited – so if you’re interested in attending some or all of the workshop sessions, please use the following link to register for the workshop and reserve a seat as soon as possible:

Registration link:   https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScgh85V_spmozl_fBZg-ZuqusX26X8KRrFYPymS7l_ozuLYtQ/viewform

If you register, you’ll receive the information with how to download the workshop material and access the Zoom link for the workshop itself after registration closes on February 21.

Please contact Brad Shellito by email at: bashellito@ysu.edu if you have any questions.