Why would you (or any of your colleagues) want to be part of CPAC?
- Build a network of colleagues (and friends) who you may not have otherwise encountered.
- Be exposed to other campus locations, different venues, and gain a more broad perspective of the University.
- Gain a more global perspective on University operations; an appreciation for the complexity of the University as a system.
- Learn about issues, events, new systems, policies, processes and/or programs as they emerge – and sometimes have the opportunity to contribute your ideas.
- Have a voice in matters beyond your job scope.
- Have the opportunity to serve on University Committees where membership otherwise would not be available to you.
- Work on special projects and teams for the benefit of the University and/or specifically classified staff.
- Have the ability to assist others in getting questions answered or issues addressed.
- Be part of a group that cares about classified staff and is grounded in supporting their fellow coworkers in whatever ways they are called upon to do so.
- Share your Miami employee experience and unique background to help solve problems.
- Contribute your ideas, perspective, knowledge and skills in different ways, in an environment that is collegial, collaborative, and respectful.
How much time is required?
CPAC currently meets once a month for one and a half hours during the academic year, July 1-June 30. Additionally, when warranted, issues are handled via email and/or short conference calls. Optional participation on a subcommittee of CPAC or a University committee requires an additional time commitment (in accordance with the requirements of that particular committee). This additional service, while optional, is encouraged, as CPAC is expected to have a representative member on numerous University committees.
Standard membership appointment on CPAC is a three-year term.
Who serves or can serve on this Committee?
CPAC is comprised of 14 appointed members and two ex-officio members from across the university. CPAC strives to reflect a balance in areas such as gender, ethnicity, campus, division, organizational level, job responsibilities, years of Miami service, etc.
Eligibility Criteria: The nominee must be a non-probationary, SATSS employee able to commit a minimum of three hours per month, for three years, willing to serve classified employees and University administration by working collaboratively and in the best interest of the University community.
How do I nominate myself or a colleague?
Nominations are reviewed by all members of CPAC, and recommendations are forwarded to the University President for the appointment. While manager/supervisor approval is needed to become a member, CPAC has the support of the President’s Office – which has always encouraged all employees to engage in service.
Nominees who are not selected at this time will be kept on file for future consideration should any member be unable to complete his/her term during that year.
Did you know that CPAC…
- Supports a culture of collegiality, a spirit of community, and the personal and professional growth of all classified staff.
- Understands the value of classified staff and their importance to the success of Miami University.
- Responds to requests and input by classified staff and University administration.
- Has a voice on University Senate, Fiscal Priorities Committee, Benefits Committee, Council on Diversity & Inclusion (CODI), Campus Planning Committee, and other ad-hoc committees as requested by the President.
- Provides an institutional venue or forum in which matters of interest or concern to classified staff members can be discussed, considered, and/or moved forward through appropriate channels.
- Publishes a newsletter each fall and spring, participates in the benefits fair, and supports various other initiatives.
- Meets at least once a month to share information about University committees, discuss items brought to their attention by University administrators or SATSS employees, and handle other items of business.
- Has a website, MiamiOH.edu/cpac where you can learn more about CPAC, access minutes and newsletters, contact a member, and nominate yourself or someone else to serve on the committee. Become part of it!