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Article I. Operating Principles

Section I.01 CPAC was created to provide a direct channel of communication between classified SATSS employees and the university administration. CPAC will:

  1. serve as a discussion group regarding policies, procedures, benefits, and services affecting classified staff. CPAC, as a whole, is expected to represent the interests of classified staff as those interests are viewed in the context of the whole university.
  2. provide an avenue of input from classified staff to the university administration involving matters of concern related to their employment at Miami University.
  3. provide university officials with an effective method for soliciting and disseminating information about plans, policies, and concerns affecting classified staff.
  4. follow through on the charge of the committee as a working group providing university officials with assistance in addressing matters of concern or of interest to classified employees.
  5. host an annual conference for the classified SATSS employees of the university.
  6. participate in the Benefits Fair each year to promote CPAC awareness. 

Article II. Meetings and Procedures

Section II.01 CPAC will meet in regular session each month during the academic year from August‐June. A regular meeting date and time will be established each year by the Chair. Special meetings may be called by the Chair. Guest may be invited to address topics as necessary.

Section II.02 A quorum shall be 50% plus one of the voting membership in order to vote on topics needing approval by the committee. 

Section II.03 Matters requiring a vote will be carried out by majority. Voting by ballot will be as deemed necessary by the Chair.

Section II.04 Subcommittees and standing committees may be appointed as necessary to facilitate the business of CPAC. Subcommittee members shall report to CPAC prior to taking any action.

Section II.05 Action taken by CPAC will be in the form of a recommendation to university administration.

Section II.06 Amendments to the by‐laws or procedures of CPAC will be made at a regular or special meeting and/or via email of CPAC and must be passed by a three‐fourths vote of CPAC.

Article III. Membership

Section III.01 During the spring semester each academic year, nomination application forms for Classified Personnel Advisory Committee (CPAC) will be sent to each Supervisory, Administrative and Technical Support Staff (SATSS) university staff member. All completed applications are to be returned to the CPAC chairperson. Nomination application forms can be submitted throughout the calendar year. Applications will be compiled and reviewed by the CPAC committee. The committee will vote on the qualified candidates that they agree would be an asset to the team. The CPAC chairperson will forward a list of recommended candidates to the Office of the
President for consideration. The Office of the President will send letters of appointment to the selected appointees with their term limit. CPAC will receive a list of new appointees by the Secretary’s office and will invite all new CPAC members to the last committee meeting of the academic year (typically held in June) for introductions and orientation. Nominees not selected will be notified and formally thanked for their interest by the chairperson. The applications will be kept on file in the event of member resignations throughout the year.

Section III.02 CPAC members shall serve for a term of three (3) years. Terms end on June 30 on the member’s respective year. If for any reason a member cannot complete his/her term of appointment, then that member shall be replaced by a nominee from among that year’s list of CPAC candidates.

Section III.03 If a member of CPAC resigns, a replacement can be chosen from the nomination application forms received in the current academic year. The replacement will then serve a full three‐year term. If the resigning member has served only a portion of a year, the replacement will serve the remaining portion of the year plus two full years.

Section III.04 A representative from Human Resources shall serve as an ex‐officio member of CPAC. The duties of this member will include reporting to the group, serving as a liaison between CPAC and Human Resources providing context and history and serving in an advisory capacity.

Article IV. Officers and Members Responsibilities

Section IV.01 CPAC officers shall consist of Chair, Vice Chair and Secretary. The Vice Chair shall be elected by the committee each year, and will be chosen from among the second year members. The Vice Chair will then automatically become the Chair in his/her third year, with a vote of confidence from the committee. The outgoing Chair will serve as a non‐voting ex‐officio member for one year after his/her regular term. The Secretary shall be elected by the committee each year.

Section IV.02 The Chair shall:

  1. set the agenda for all CPAC meetings and send a copy to each member prior to meeting.
  2. schedule the meetings and location for the year that the committee will meet.
  3. keep the regular meetings focused and “on task.”
  4. monitor the progress of all committee work (including the assigning of subcommittees for special tasks).
  5. represent CPAC whenever necessary or appropriate.
  6. ensure that adequate communication is maintained between CPAC and any other group(s) involved with CPAC or its concerns.
  7. be responsible for soliciting new members each year with the assistance of the Vice Chair.

Section IV.03 The Vice Chair shall:

  1. assist the Chair as necessary.
  2. fill in for the Chair any time the Chair is unable to attend a regular meeting.
  3. be responsible for the CPAC newsletter and website.
  4. assist the Chair in the nomination process each year.
  5. be secondary person, assisting the Secretary, regarding the CPAC email entity account in checking and responding appropriately to incoming emails.

Section IV.04 The Secretary shall:

  1. take minutes at the regular CPAC meetings that include action items and absences.
  2. be responsible for forwarding copies and action items of the minutes to the members of the committee prior to the next meeting.
  3. forward meeting minutes to the Vice Chair to post on CPAC website.
  4. be responsible for archiving all minutes to the shared drive.
  5. be primary person responsible for CPAC email entity account in checking and responding appropriately to incoming emails.

Section IV.05 The Committee Member shall:

  1. attend regularly scheduled committee meetings.
  2. notify the Chair at least two days prior to the meeting if unable to attend.
  3. be an active participant on the committee.
  4. submit agenda items to the Chair at least one week prior to a scheduled meeting.
  5. respect the suggestions, ideas, comments, and concerns of others, and recognize and respect the confidentiality of sensitive items discussed at the meetings

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