August 2022

August 18, 2022 | No Comments

August 18, 2022

WebEx Meeting

In Attendance: Angie Brown, Alicia Miller, Bonnie Crabtree, Carley Collins, Amy Newsom (UPAC
Rep), Casey Peugh, Tonya Moryl, Amy Moore, Thyra Sens, and Jennifer Fox, 

HR: Dawn Fahner

Absent: Cheryl Chafin and Cheryl Birkenhauer (Ex-Officio)

Call to Order

Introductions were made to all CPAC members along with one of our new members Carley
Collins. During the introductions, Casey Peugh announced that she would be leaving her current
position in advancement for an unclassified position. Congratulations Casey.

Updates from Dawn Fahner

Dawn touched on the Classified Pay Zones and the
consideration that were taken to come up with these amounts. They reviewed the structure and
how to adjust due to being behind the market. They worked with the union rep, and the
classified compensation rep to make the adjustment effective prior to the start of the fiscal year.
They adjust across the board first and then applied the 4% increase on top of that. In reference
to long-term staff and helping to increase participation in job enrichment. She has fielded
questions regarding this. If we receive any questions to please forward to her. The 4% was high
compared to other schools in Ohio. Angie had an email with a concern about the increase and
those who are at the tail end of the bonuses and job enrichment don’t change as much for
them. Dawn explains that they are aware that some feel this way and they are aware of those
concerns. Another question about the unclassified raise and raises based on performance.
Dawn explained that in this pool of dollars that unclassified receive, some may get more and some
may get less. It is not that they get 4% plus more based on performance. Tonya had a question
about longevity bonuses and if the adjustments were updated on the website. Dawn will take a
look to make sure that has been adjusted. Bonnie asked if Miami has thought about creating
levels. Not so much in reference to paying, but so that it shows that your skills have increased.
Dawn said they have moved away from the master definition and are taking a look at this again
and finding different things we can do. Thyra’s question regarding the pay zone maximum. What
happens when someone reaches this? Do you not get the increase? Dawn said you don’t get the
increase added to your rate of pay, but it’s paid out as a lump sum bonus pay. Next on the
agenda for Dawn was COVID Days. It was asked if they would be reinstating COVID days.
Dawn says they are not reinstating COVID days. They will continue to monitor things but not
go back to that at this time. If something changes they would re-evaluate. Carley has a question about remote work if you have COVID. Dawn says that she has been allowing it as long
as it is okay with your supervisor and not counting it towards the 20 days. Carley mentions how
staff on the academic side are frustrated as they have not been able to take advantage of the

flexible remote policy and find it unfair. Asking if HR is able to step in to possibly help with this
and allow on the academic side. Dawn says HR & academic personnel have been working
with a consulting group regarding remote work and how to be more flexible and creative. Take
this information to senior leadership and have these conversations. They have provided them
with recommendations and working toward this and for it to work successfully. Alicia asked ar
the 20 remote days in a fiscal year or calendar year. Dawn said it was a calendar year due to us being public employers in Ohio. For individuals working more than 20 days a tax year, employers are
obligated to withhold the municipal tax for where the individual is working and the reason for
the 20 days.

More HR Items:

  • Communication from President Crawford regarding the extra hours. The equivalent of 2 days for full-time and 1 day for part-time.
  • Institutional Take Force for mental Health and Well Being with 3 working groups from Faculty/Staff, Students, and Community.
  • Student Employment Wage Compensation – Minimum raised from $9.30 to $11.30 an hour as of 8/13/22. Hoping this will make working on campus more attractive.
  • Listserve communication regarding an app for TCP for student employees to download to be able to clock in and out.
  • Rec Center – Partnering with HR to offer classes at no cost to staff. Alternative ways to provide programming.
  • Opened up performance reviews to be able to go in and complete the goals-setting piece.

Tonya had a question regarding the additional vacation days. Asking if the threshold increased for those who are at that point. Dawn said those individuals who have reached their maximum threshold that will be increased through the fiscal year.

Not on the agenda, but next were the minutes from June. Also mentioned that we are looking for the minutes from April and May. Thyra said that she would go back through them and also said that she thought she sent these to Cheryl. Angie asked if there were any additions or corrections to the June minutes. Hearing none she asked for a motion to accept the minutes. Alicia made the motion to accept and Amy seconded. All in favor! The minutes approved and will be added to the CPAC website.

Alicia went back to the HR updates. Got a lot from Karen Wilson and will share it with the group. The benefits fair is on October 5 for the Regionals. 9:00-11:00 am for the Middletown Campus and 2:00-4:00 pm for the Hamilton Campus. October 6th for Oxford from 9:00-3:30 pm. Open enrollment starts October 10th and goes through the 31st. Some changes will be coming. Also setting up dates for the flu vaccine.

Subcommittee Review:

  • Chair – Angie Brown
  • Vice Chair – Alicia Miller
  • Secretary – Thyra Sens
  • Benefits – Jennifer Fox
  • Campus Planning – Bonnie Crabtree will serve on this committee and Alicia said she would reach out to Kelly to let her know this.
  • Classified Staff Compensation – Casey Peugh – With Casey leaving Tonya Moryl reached out to me and asked to be on this committee.
  • Council on Diversity & Inclusion (CODI) – Juanita Schrodt
  • Fiscal Priorities – Alicia Miller
  • Hamilton & Middletown Campus Regional – Tonya Moryl
  • University Senate – ??
  • UPAC Liaison – Angie Brown

The only committee seat we need to fill is University Senate. Amy Moore mentioned that she would like to be on the Mental Health & Well-Being Task Form when that gets going. Carley is hesitant about University Senate with being new to CPAC but will be more than happy to help with other things that are needed.

Coffee & Connect: Asking everyone what would be a good topic to talk about. Need to come up with ideas to have one of these.

Other Topics – Benefits fair. Do we normally set up a table? Something to check into.

CPAC Conference – Ideas for this as it will take place in May.

With no other questions or thoughts, the meeting was adjourned!