September 2022

September 15, 2022 | No Comments

September 15, 2022

In attendance: Angie Brown, Alicia Miller, Bonnie Crabtree, Amy Newsom (UPAC Rep), Tonya Moryl, Jennifer Fox, Juanita Schrodt, Amy Moore, and Cheryl Chafin

HR – Dawn Fahner

Rec Center – Mike Arnos

Absent : Cheryl Birkenhauer (Ex-Officio), Lauren Franklin, Thyra Sens, and Carley Collins

Call or Order

The meeting was called to order at 8:30 a.m. by Angie Brown

Guest Speaker – Mike Arnos
Angie had shared a PDF flyer from the Rec Center prior to the presentation.

Mike Arnos introduced himself and talked about his role at the Rec Center. One of his jobs/goals is to connect more faculty/staff/departments with the Rec Center. He plans to get out to different departments/offices to take a deep dive into understanding what faculty and staff want/need. He is also a member of the Health and Well-Being Task Force.

Major Take-Aways

  • Faculty and staff receive a 50% membership discount. This discount is subsidized by Human Resources.
  • The Rec Center also uses 3 smaller spaces for events/offerings:
    • Clawson Hall
    • Martin Dining Hall (basement)
    • Chestnut Fields (old Talawanda High School parking lot)

Mike also explained that Phillips Hall is no longer being used because it is home to an academic department that needs the space.

Wednesday Lunch Bunch – The Rec Center is offering free access to the Rec Center every Wednesday 11 a.m. – 1 p.m. The staff is offering facility orientations and the opportunity to play basketball, pickleball, swim, exercise, and use the exercise track.

Additionally, they offer the Caravan Wellness app (free) to faculty and staff. Please be sure to register with your Miami University address. This app provides access to all Caravan Video Classes and the Monthly Exclusive Miami University Wellness Program.

*Mike sent Angie the link after the meeting.

At this time there is nothing for Regionals, but they are discussing possibilities.

Human Resources Update – Dawn Fahner

Benefit Fairs

  • October 6, 2022 – Oxford
    • 9 am to 3:30 pm in Shriver Dolibois Room
  • October 13, 2022 – Regionals
    • Middletown – 9 am to 11 am Johnston Hall
    • Hamilton – 2 pm to 4 pm in Wilks Conference Center

Flu vaccines will be available at the fairs.

Open Enrollment for Benefits will open on October 10 and end on October 31. More information about the process and cost changes can be found at the link provided by Dawn. Note: There have been some changes to costs for 2023. Enrollment can be completed through BannerWeb.

We will soon receive an email from President Crawford regarding the OEEO Duty to Report Refresher Training. This will be completed in Canvas. This is not a required training but a highly suggested refresher. Staff may use work hours to complete the Canvas refresher course. Communications from the President on eeo refresher for duty to report training.

Dawn gave a quick reminder that by the end of September, goals need to be completed for Performance Evaluations. If your supervisor director has not reached out to you, please discuss this with them.

Since the beginning of the academic year, Interim Provost Liz Mullenix has encouraged managers and supervisors to work with employees regarding flex schedules or remote work. HR plans to see how this goes and make necessary changes in the future.

Dawn provided information and a link to the Learning Library. The Learning Library is another module available to use for different professional pieces of training; some are online and some are F2F. The easiest way to view the calendar is by clicking the calendar icon on the right to view it in monthly format. The registration information is at the bottom of each event/session.

BannerWeb Update – We have been using version 8 for quite a few years but it will be sunset soon because Elucian will stop supporting BannerWeb 8 within a year. We will receive a notification of when it will be sunsetted and how to use 9. Dawn or someone from her office will share the screen at another meeting to show how it looks and feels since there are some differences.

Approval of Last Meeting Minutes

  • There were a few corrections to make in the minutes.
  • Alicia made the first motion to approve
  • Tonya made a second motion to approve
  • Called to vote – all approved

Subcommittee Updates

  • Chair – Angie Brown
  • Vice Chair – Alicia Miller
  • Secretary – Thyra Sens
  • Benefits – Jennifer Fox attended the first meeting and stated they will meet again in December; no updates as Dawn had covered most of the information. Dawn will provide slides presented to Angie to share with the Committee.
  • Campus Planning – Bonnie Crabtree attended the meeting on September 6; there will be building point of contact updates coming soon. Campus signage on the Western campus has been completely redone due to a change in the direction of vehicle flow. This committee plans to have a walk-around campus meeting in the future. The next meeting will be held in early October.
    • Completion dates for major projects:
      • Hot Water (King and McGuffey Hall) – completed August 23 (King and McGuffey Hall)
      • Health Services – March 2023
      • McVay – November 2023
      • Bell Tower – Fall of 2023
  • Classified Staff Compensation – Tonya Moryl has not received any information or notification of meetings.
  • Council on Diversity & Inclusion (CODI) – Juanita Schrodt was not able to attend the last meeting. She will share the minutes at a later date.
  • Fiscal Priorities – Alicia Miller reported that they continue to meet with Deans and other Programs and Divisions. They also receive weekly updates from Dr. Creamer, David Ellis, and Lindsay Carpenter. The committee has two new Co-Chairs this year: Brooke Flinders and Melissa Chase
  • Hamilton & Middletown Campus Regional – Tonya Moryl reports there are no new updates.
  • University Senate – After quite a bit of discussion and some information about the nature of the meetings and time commitment; Cheryl Chafin stated she would be representative but can’t guarantee this will work as she will be short-staffed in her office soon.
  • UPAC Liaison – Angie Brown reported no updates.

Coffee and Connect – Discussion about topics and date/time for the event. The plan is to ask Mike Arnos if he would be willing to lead this at the Rec Center during the Wednesday Lunch Bunch on November 23, 2022. Angie will reach out to Mike.

CPAC Conference

  • The first task is to decide on a theme. Everyone was asked to bring ideas to the next meeting.
  • The second task will be picking a day and time in May.

Need for New Members

There was a discussion about how to recruit new CPAC members.

  • CPAC members reach out to people they know; Jennifer Fox provided Lisa Boggs as a possibility
  • Use social media
  • Have a CPAC table at the Benefits Fair. Angie will reach out to Dawn to see if this is feasible. If so, members can split time “manning” the table during the Fair.

The meeting adjourned at 10:03 a.m.

  • Alicia made the first motion
  • Cheryl made second motion