December 2023

December 14, 2023 | No Comments

December 14, 2023

In attendance: Alicia Miller, Carley Collins, Amy Moore, April Turner, Bonnie Crabtree, Jennifer Fox, Betsy Bodnar, Tonya Moryl, Amanda Lehman, Cheryl Chafin, Dawn Fahner (HR Representative), Timberly Revelee, Lisa Boggs, Kelly Stewart (HR Representative), Andy Richard, and Mike Webster (HR Representative)

Absent: Lucinda Harrod, Angie Brown (Ex-Officio), and Amy Newsom (UPAC Representative)

Call to Order

The meeting was called to order at 8:32 a.m.

HR Update – Dawn Fahner

  • Email sent out to managers from HR about time cards during the holiday break
    • More emails will be coming out in the coming weeks
    • Make sure time cards are approved (managers) and make sure time cards are correct (classified staff)
    • Time cards will be processed “as is”
    • If incorrect, make sure the supervisors/managers make the corrections that are needed
      • If corrections are not made in time, an adjustment can be made in the following pay period
    • Paid holidays will be processed in that following pay period and approvals for that aren’t due until after we are back on campus
      • Classified staff has the option to take those as unpaid if they wish
      • The university did add eight hours to our vacation bank to cover one of those days if we choose to use it that way
    • If a classified staff member is working over the break when the university is closed, they receive holiday premium pay
    • They can’t flex or float their holiday, they get the additional holiday pay
    • Unclassified staff can flex their day and take a day off at a later date
    • If someone has questions, they can contact Dawn Fahner, Kelly Stewart, or Mike Webster
  • Electronic consent for the W-2 or 1095C forms is automatically opted in for everyone at the university.
    • If they wish to change this, they can change it in Banner Web
    • Need to make sure that the address is correct as well
  • Longevity Bonus on December 19 paycheck
    • If anyone has questions, you can send them to Dawn, Kelly, or Mike
  • Workday Update
    • Last week we had “Customer Confirmation Sessions”
      • Project leads and sub-leads presented to the administrative offices (HR, Academic Personnel, and Finance Offices) on the configurations and the systems that had been built to demonstrate their knowledge and ability to navigate the system
      • Systems went well
    • Will enter the End-to-End phase to do more cross functional testing across the hiring process, payroll process, leave reporting, time cards, benefits, etc.
      • Crossing all the functions to make sure we are successful in that space
      • Will go until about the end of February
    • We will then enter the “Parallel Testing” phase
      • In the March and April time frame, the university community and those that sit in administrative roles in offices will really begin to see some of the system
        • We may be asked to help with some of the testing, begin training, and really begin some communication
    • Still on track for the Go Live date of July 1, 2024
    • For those that are involved in the position postings in PageUp, you will see a communication from HR and the Academic Personnel Offices sometime in January
      • Miami University is working through what that will look like in the spring and early summer as to what it will look like when we transfer from PageUp to Workday when we go live on July 1
      • Communications will go out to the different employee groups
  • Question from Jennifer Fox: Someone asked her a question related to Job Enrichment. If you have job enrichment bonuses, when you are charged for insurance, it charges you on your total salary (Base + JE Premium). But when you get money as a bonus, you get it on your base. What is the difference? It doesn’t seem to make sense
    • From Dawn: It is included in benefits because benefits is an all or nothing thing. For that additional amount to count towards retirement contributions, which is an advantage for employees because then it is a higher amount, we have to have it in. Same for the employer provided life insurance. So, for the health insurance premiums, it is calculated on the whole amount as well. Years ago, the decision was made to carve it out and have it not been a part of the base, which was primarily done because when it is incorporated into the base and then folks receive promotions and move up, that the additional hourly amount was getting absorbed or lost. Folks didn’t feel like they had that any longer so it was separated and calculated everything on the base and then the job enrichment premium pay component was added back on top of that
      • Open Enrollment health plan premiums are calculated on the salary that is effective October 1st.
  • Question from Alicia Miller: When we got the emails for the listserv for SATSS, I asked for all SATSS employees. I received around 200-300 emails from people who weren’t SATSS employees who were on the list. I had people from PFD, students, retired, etc. The list came from Gina Fall. We were trying to bring more people to the listserv. It created a huge mess.
    • Alicia will forward the list to Dawn Fahner so she can review it and update it 
    • Does Listserv make the most sense? The technology is really dated and trying to get people to use Google technology (i.e. Google Groups) as a possibility

Approval of Last Meeting Minutes

  • Motion to accept from Cheryl Chafin, second by April Turner

Subcommittee Updates

  • Benefits – Jennifer Fox
    • No meeting
    • From Dawn: This will likely stay on pause for a while. Still trying to navigate the new shared bargaining process with the libraries and the faculty, we need to figure out what that means. We can’t commit with the committees and have discussions with the reps on the committees because those groups have indicated that they are to be represented by a bargaining unit, which is different folks.
  • Campus Planning – Bonnie Crabtree
    • Only discussed old business
  • Classified Staff Compensation – Tonya Moryl and Amy Moore
    • No meeting
  • Council on Diversity & Inclusion (CODI) – April Turner
    • Nothing new from CODI since our last meeting
  • Fiscal Priorities – Alicia Miller
    • We are done for the semester and will meet again in January
  • Regional Campus Updates – Tonya Moryl
    • Nothing to report
  • University Senate – Cheryl Chafin
    • Done for the year
  • UPAC – Alicia Miller
    • No updates

Old Business

  • SATSS Listserv – Alicia Miller
    • Hoping that what we have now is a pretty good list and we can start sending things out
  • CPAC Member Shirts
    • New shirts for Lucinda and Andy
      • They were unable to only print two shirts
      • Maybe we can look at this once a year and order new shirts for new members
  • Committee filled for the first time in a few years
  • University Statement Revision Committee
    • Alicia has joined that committee
    • They have only had one meeting
    • Committee being led by Gwen Fears and Amy Bergerson
    • They will be working on the data in January and reconvene in February and look at the information
    • They will be doing town halls with every group across campus (students, faculty, etc.)
  • CPAC Conference (Wednesday, May 22nd)
    • Suggestions from the survey
      • More about personal development
      • Have Career Services over for resume writing, interview prep, and a photo booth (all done confidentially)
      • Job Enrichment presentation for the newer people
      • Tuition waiver for classes
        • How do you start the process of becoming a student (as an employee)?
      • Impact Solutions representative
      • Personal/Professional Development is a good idea
      • University Communications and Marketing offered to talk to us about Miami branding and accessible technology possibly at our conference
        • It may not fit in well with our conference, but it might be a good Coffee and Connect topic
    • Mental Health and therapy dogs
    • EAP Benefits for part-time and full-time employees
    • HOMEWORK: Everyone come to our meeting with ONE idea about topics or presenters for the conference

New Business 

  • Update on search committee to replace Brent Shock in EMS (April Turner)
    • They had a four-hour meeting to narrow down the candidates to eight finalists that they will strt interviewing next week
      • They will be tasked with cutting it from eight to four candidates
      • There are some very strong candidates so this won’t be an easy thing 
  • Next CPAC meeting Thursday, January 11th from 8:30 – 10:00 a.m. in Millett Hall
    • We can try to do photos on that day (Lisa will coordinate)

Meeting Adjourned – 9:19 a.m.