September 2023

September 14, 2023 | No Comments

September 14, 2023

In attendance: Alicia Miller, Carley Collins, Amy Moore, Bonnie Crabtree, Jennifer Fox, Tonya Moryl, Timberly Revelee, Betsy Bodnar, Lisa Boggs, Amanda Lehmann, April Turner, Kelly Stewart (HR Representative), Dawn Fahner (HR Representative) and Amy Newsom (UPAC Representative)

Absent: Cheryl Chafin and Angie Brown (Ex-Officio)  

Call or Order

The meeting was called to order at 8:33 a.m. 

Human Resources Update – Dawn Fahner

  • ● Upcoming benefits fairs:
    • Oxford – Tuesday – September 26 – 9a to 3:30p – Shriver Dolibois ABC
    • MUH – Wednesday – September 27 – 9a – 11a – Hamilton
    • MUM – Wednesday – September 27 – 2p to 4p – Middletown
    • Flu vaccines will be available during the fairs
      • Not sure if updated Covid booster vaccines will be available
      • Vaccines are voluntary and at no cost
      • When we receive them, they will also be available at the Health Center
  • Notification with Covid updates came out on 9/13/2023 from the Covid Response Team
    • If you’re not feeling well, stay home and use leave time
    • If you’re able to work remotely, speak with your supervisor
    • As students come back to campus, the numbers will go up just as it does for the flu every year
  • Ethics Survey & External Services questionnaire coming at the end of the month or the beginning of the next month
    • For Unclassified Staff and Faculty
    • You may hear about it; classified staff will not receive it
  • Annual Performance Evaluations and Goal Setting
    • Need to be completed by September 30, 2023
    • Managers and Supervisors will be receiving reminders
    • Speak to your supervisor if you don’t hear anything from them
  • Open Enrollment is October 9 – 31, 2023
    • No significant changes to the health plan design or health plan premiums
    • Two Collective Bargaining units have been certified and we are going through the process with them
      • Some of the committees on campus through the University Senate, Benefits Committee, or the Fiscal Priorities Committee have provided feedback
      • Committees are on pause right now because of Collective Bargaining processes in progress
      • If you have had a pay increase, you may see a change in your premium based on that, but the percentages are staying the same
    • Review the information in Open Enrollment if you have had personal changes to make sure you’re in the plan that works best for you
      • Flexible Spending Account or Health Savings Account cannot be rolled over into the next year
    • Increases in premiums this year will be absorbed by the university
    • Brochures have been mailed to the homes of employees
      • Information is also on the HR website on a banner
        • Click on that and it will take you to the information page for open enrollment
  • Workday Update
    • HR and Academic Personnel offices are continuing to work on Workday
      • Establishing business processes and configuring the system
      • In October or November, all of the HR and Academic Personnel offices will get increased exposure to Workday
      • At the beginning of the calendar year, they’ll begin talking with folks out in the university community
        • Training sessions and information sessions will be offered to departments and divisions to help with testing items that have been built
      • Then they will begin working on a transition plan for when we go live on July 1, 2024
  • Will the University be making cuts or not filling positions?
    • Will it be based on the amount of time in the division or at the university?
    • The website with updated policy:( ns-in-force.html )
      • Separate policy for classified staff and unclassified staff
      • Classified positions governed by the Ohio Revised Code and specific Civil Service Statute
    • University evaluating and assessing
      • Looking at low-enrolled majors and structure
      • No plan in place on how this process might work

Approval of Last Meeting Minutes

Jennifer Fox made a motion to approve and Betsy Bodnar Seconded. The meeting minutes were approved by all.

Subcommittee Updates

  • Benefits – Jennifer Fox
    • No updates and hasn’t heard anything about meetings
    • Dawn will check to make sure Jennifer is on committee emails
  • Campus Planning – Bonnie Crabtree
    • Met the first week of September
    • North Chiller Plant
      • Plans to drill wells in the Millett Parking Lot have been scaled back due to budget
    • University Communications has a plan to market the admissions office
      • Would like to add a 12-foot block M behind the admissions office behind Shriver Center for a photo op
      • In the slide show presentation the block “M” stood out horribly
      • The University is strong on getting the marketing out to the public and social media
        • Campus-wide branding opportunities on buildings and billboards
      • Not well received by the committee
        • Felt like the decision was already made without the Campus Planning Committee being taken into consideration
  • Classified Staff Compensation – Tonya Moryl?? (Computer acting up)
    • Dawn let us know that they have not met and have no updates
  • CODI – April Turner
    • No meetings yet
  • Fiscal Priorities – Alicia Miller
    • Two meetings (9/1 and 9/8)
    • Meeting weekly
    • Co-Chairs are Melissa Chase (SLAM) and Michelle Frank (FSB)
      • Dr. Creamer and Dr. Ellis presented budget issues
    • Deans are now coming to the meetings
      • Dean Makaroff presented for the last time as he will be retiring at the end of the year
  • Regionals – Tonya was not available
  • University Senate – Cheryl was not available, Dawn gave an update
    • Presentation from the new Dean of Students, BaShaun Smith
      • General reminders about the start of the school year and how the Dean’s office supports the students
      • His philosophy and vision
    • Presentation from Tim Melley, a faculty member in the English Department and also the Director of the Humanities Center
      • Meeting over the spring and summer to come together and re-envision how the Humanities Center can provide courses and what that may look like
      • Chairing a group along with a number of other faculty members and working with the Provost
      • Will share the results in the future
    • Presentation from Bethany Perkins and Brent Shock in Enrollment Management
      • Update on the new class, efforts for recruiting the next class
      • Discussion on the Supreme Court’s decision on affirmative action
        • How does that play into admission decisions and adjustments that are being made
    • Presentation from Carolyn Haynes, Sr. Associate Provost for StrategicInitiatives
      • Creating a policy for the establishment of some centers and institutes
  • UPAC – Alicia Miller
    • Met on Tuesday
    • UPAC will have a table at the Benefits Fair, hopefully, close to the CPAC table
    • Bob Black had a table at the Hike-a-thon and had a flyer for people who weren’t familiar with UPAC
      • Can we do something similar for our table to hand out?
        • Help to recruit new members
        • Talking points
        • Nice to have when you are new and not sure what to talk about
        • Carley can help design
    • Collaboration on a service project?
      • Sent Alicia an email if you have ideas
      • Carly talked with Dawn in the President’s office
        • Raffled off President’s parking spot (in the past)
        • Basketball tickets, hockey tickets, etc.(in the past)

Old Business

  • Uptown Music on 8/17
    • We had a table and handed out items leftover from Conference
    • Great time, should definitely do it again
  • T-shirts for the group
    • Carley and Cheryl haven’t been able to get together to go look at shirts
      • University Communications won’t do a logo for a committee
      • Can we come up with a generic design?

New Business

  • Web Page Updates
    • Agendas and meeting minutes done through the May meeting
    • Check to make sure everything is correct
      • Look at member’s information
      • If you have an updated photo, get it to Alicia
  • April Turner will be asked to be on the search committee for the new VP of EMMS, Brent Shock’s replacement
  • SATSS Listserv on Alicia’s list of things to do
  • Two unfilled positions on CPAC
    • Reach out to people you may know to apply
    • Hoping to find more at the Benefits Fair
  • CPAC 2024 Conference
    • Wednesday, May 22, 2024
    • President and Dr. Crawford are both available
    • Heritage Room reserved
  • Emergency contact information update going on
    • Eventually, you will have to complete it
  • Committee Photo
    • Need to get something scheduled
    • Amanda Lehmann will talk to Tonya about possibly setting something up for October 12th
  • Link for signing up for working Benefits Fair ( )
    • Will try to get something to regionals for them to hand out
  • Any logo created by CPAC should be run by University Communications for their approval

Next Meeting

Thursday, October 12, 2023 at Regionals (more information coming)

The meeting was adjourned at 9:32 a.m.