May 2023

May 11, 2023 | No Comments

May 11, 2023

In attendance: Angie Brown, Alicia Miller, Cheryl Birkenhauer (ex-officio), Cheryl Chafin, Jennifer Fox, Carley Collins, Tonya Moryl, Amy Moore, Lisa Boggs and Dawn Fahner (HR).

Absent: Betsy Bodnar, Bonnie Crabtree, Amy Newsome (UPAC Rep)

Call to Order

The meeting was called to order at 8:37 a.m. 

Human Resources Update – Dawn Fahner, Associate Vice President of Human Resources

  • Annual performance evaluations have been opened up for staff to complete their self-assessment in Page Up. Work with supervisors and managers to get this year’s evaluation completed by June 30, 2023. For new employees, or employees who have moved depts, there is a Formstack version until the employee is in Page Up correctly.
  • No word in regard to the annual increment. Communication will come out later this year due to being a bi-annual budget year. The state has until June 30th to pass our budget bill. Communication from HR will come out end of June, or even July this year.
  • HR and Finance have kicked off their portion of the Workday implementation process. Right now, they are in the “foundation build” step. The live date for HR and Finance is July 1, 2024, so that other areas can roll out next.
  • Dawn spoke about the RAVE Guardian App as promoted by MUPD for on-campus safety and communications. Please share with depts and students. Dawn also reminded everyone to use MUPD as a resource for active threat training.

Approval of Last Meeting Minutes

April minutes were approved – Amy Moore motioned to approve and Alicia Miller seconded. No additions or corrections at this time.

Subcommittee Updates

  • Benefits – Jennifer Fox -No updates to report.
  • Campus Planning – Bonnie Crabtree – Current projects are on track due to the recent good weather. New projects are Millett Hall and library renovations. No timeline yet for the library project. Parking is a major discussion. The geothermal well project will be taking close to 600 long-term residential and commuter spaces from students. The area that is used for RV parking will be taken starting this fall. Not sure if it will ever be a parking area again or not. A new parking lot will be created at Chestnut Field House with 300 spaces to help with the lack of parking at Millett. The university “has no appetite” to reduce the long-term parking of resident hall occupants. The parking spaces for students are now a marketing tool for recruitment.
  • Classified Staff Compensation – Tonya Moryl – No recent meetings.
  • Council on Diversity and Inclusion (CODI) – Angie Brown – No recent meetings.
  • Fiscal Priorities – Alicia Miller – The committee has been talking about the upcoming presentation to the BOT.
  • Hamilton & Middletown Regional Campus – Tonya Moryl – staff appreciation picnics are coming up at both regional campuses.
  • University Senate – Cheryl Chafin – this committee is done meeting for this year.
  • UPAC Liaison – Amy Newsome –absent. Angie informed the group that recently Sarah Persinger has become in charge of the Workday implementation and also is serving as the UPAC Chair.
  • Awards & Recognition Committee – New group that CPAC and UPAC will alternate a member on. This committee meets every other year. Fall 2023 will be UPAC rep Tresa Barlage Zianno, and Carley volunteered to be on this committee in Fall 2025.


  • The group discussed the final details of the upcoming conference.

Next Meeting

June 15, 2023 which is the conference. Angie will reschedule this.

The meeting was adjourned at 10:00 a.m.