March 2023

March 16, 2023 | No Comments

March 16, 2023

In attendance: Angie Brown, Cheryl Birkenhauer (ex-officio), Cheryl Chafin, Jennifer Fox, Amy Moore, Carley Collins, Betsy Bodnar, Lisa Boggs, Amy Newson (UPAC Rep), Dawn Fahner (HR)

Absent: Alicia Miller, Tonya Moryl, Bonnie Crabtree

Call or Order

The meeting was called to order at 8:40 a.m. 

Welcome new CPAC members: Lisa Boggs and Betsy Bodnar.

Human Resources Update – Dawn Fahner, Associate Vice President of Human Resources

  • The Parental Leave proposal will be presented at the University Senate at the March 27th meeting. This proposal includes an updated 6-week paid leave for all, not a tiered structure like we have currently. This would be effective July 1st, 2023.
  • Anthem and Christ Hospital continue their negotiations. The contract is set to expire at the end of this month. Anthem will be sending letters to those with active treatment going on at the hospital and will determine if they are eligible for an extended care period (pregnancy, cancer treatment, dialysis, etc..) This would provide an additional 90 days of continued care at the hospital after the contract ends.
  • Reminder to the group about the inclement weather email from HR, and also MUPD. Please share this info with your dept and make a plan ahead of time for this type of weather. Dawn talked about the “Rave Guardian” app that MUPD talks about in their newsletter as a direct way to text/call MUPD. Angie mentioned this would be something good to share at the CPAC conference. Dawn also mentioned the IMPACT Solutions opportunity at the conference and suggested that Angie reach out to Karen Wilson about having a representative from IMPACT at the conference to speak.

Approval of Last Meeting Minutes

February minutes were approved – Cheryl Birkenhauer made a motion to approve and Cheryl Chafin seconded.

Subcommittee Updates

  • Benefits – Jennifer Fox -Dawn already covered updates from this committee.
  • Campus Planning – Bonnie Crabtree – Bonnie was absent for this meeting but provided these updates: BCRTA (Butler County Regional Transit Authority) has sent out bids for the construction of the Oxford Hub (to be located down by Chestnut Fieldhouse). Construction is expected to start in late June 2023 after Talawanda releases for the summer and last for 1 year. Another update: the North Campus Chiller Project has been approved by the Board of Trustees. Well, drilling will begin in the West parking lot (left side, big parking lot, when facing Millett Hall from Sycamore Street) beginning in November and lasting for 1 year. Student parking at Millett will be affected, causing more parking issues closer to campus. Looking for alternate spaces for students…possibly the construction lot below Yager…still TBD.
  • Classified Staff Compensation – Tonya Moryl – absent
  • Council on Diversity and Inclusion (CODI) – Angie Brown – No recent meetings.
  • Fiscal Priorities – Alicia Miller – absent
  • Hamilton & Middletown Regional Campus – Tonya Moryl – absent
  • University Senate – Cheryl Chafin – Nothing new to report.
  • UPAC Liaison – Amy Newsome – The music in the park event will be in August, the group would like to have UPAC and CPAC representation. More details to follow. UPAC will also be hosting an event during finals week with therapy dogs, not just for students, all are welcome. Also looking to replace some UPAC positions and vote in new members.


  • Summer conference: will be June 1st, 2023, located in the Heritage room in Shriver. We have the room from 7:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. Angie going to see if we have the room reserved for the day before to set up. The group discussed individual task items.

Next Meeting

The next meeting is scheduled for April 13, 2023, from 8:30-10:00 am.

The meeting was adjourned.