February 2023

February 16, 2023 | No Comments

February 16, 2023

In attendance: Angie Brown, Alicia Miller, Cheryl Birkenhauer (ex-officio), Tonya Moryl, Cheryl Chafin, Bonnie Crabtree, Amy Newson (UPAC Rep), Dawn Fahner (HR)

Absent: Jennifer Fox, Amy Moore, Carley Collins

Call or Order

The meeting was called to order at 8:34 a.m. 

Human Resources Update – Dawn Fahner, Associate Vice President of Human Resources

  • Dawn provided an update about our Anthem health insurance. Right now, Anthem has notified Miami that its contract with Christ hospital system is set to expire soon. They are in negotiation talks about renewing the contract. This happens occasionally and usually, they reach a new agreement in time. It’s in their best interest for both parties to come to an agreement, this affects Anthem and Christ as a whole, not just when it comes to Miami.
  • Dawn brought up about policy regarding weather-related closures and events. It’s going to become more common for campus to stay open and classes to be canceled. Miami will typically only require essential staff to report to campus (PFD and dining staff). HR is encouraging divisions to identify flexible and remote work arrangements ahead of time. Staff who utilize the 20 remote days per year do not need to report it to HR, only to supervisors. Dawn/HR will only get involved if a supervisor or someone reports that there may be an issue.
  • Dawn also explained that the Benefits Committee is reviewing Miami’s parental leave policy to more align with what others in this industry are doing. This policy was created in 2007 and hasn’t been updated since. The recommendation of the committee is to make the 6 weeks of paid leave for everyone, including adoptive parents and fathers, more inclusive. There won’t be a tiered structure any longer. This will probably be effective July 1st.

Approval of Last Meeting Minutes

January minutes were approved – Alicia Miller made the motion to approve and Bonnie Crabtree seconded.

Subcommittee Updates

  • Benefits – Jennifer Fox – no updates, next meeting is Feb 21st, 2023.
  • Campus Planning – Bonnie Crabtree – No updates on the airport or the outdoor classroom. The entire meeting was spent talking about the budget and future projects.
  • Classified Staff Compensation – Tonya Moryl – no updates
  • Council on Diversity and Inclusion (CODI) – Angie Brown – Hasn’t met recently, but Angie is going to start attending these meetings.
  • Fiscal Priorities – Alicia Miller – The meeting was about the recent budget, and how to make that information more relatable and understandable when sharing data. Dawn suggested that UPAC and CPAC have a Coffee and Connect about the budget symposium, this would be a great opportunity for questions.
  • Hamilton & Middletown Regional Campus – Tonya Moryl – Nothing new to report.
  • University Senate – Cheryl Chafin – The group discussed the budget symposium. If you didn’t attend, you should watch the video. The group explained how enrollment is up, but Miami is still hurting financially. We are $16.2 million in deficit. This money is coming from reserves in the Provost’s office. Since 2018 we have received $50 million less each year in tuition revenue. Currently, Miami is trying to not fill currently vacant positions. Miami might cut budgets for programs not generating revenue.
  • UPAC Liaison – Amy Newsome – Brad Grimm talked about the Workday implementation. This program will replace Banner, Buyway, and ChromeRiver. The kickoff is this April for HR and Finance. Student functions will start in July 2024. No other new business.


  • CPAC Website – Alicia is working to get this updated
  • Conference in May – Group discussed/confirmed topics and presenters. Angie reminded those speaking with presenters that we need talking points ahead of time to get JE credit approval from Staff Development. The group discussed possible swag for the conference. New proposed CPAC Summer conference date: May 23rd, 2023.
  • New CPAC members – Lisa Boggs and Betsy Bodnar have expressed interest.

Next Meeting

The next meeting is scheduled for March 16, 2023, from 8:30-10:00 a.m. in Laws 311.

The meeting adjourned.